Nov 15, 2004 16:00 time in therapy today; almost cried, don't remember why. I was home this weekend. Got me a jacket and some R&R from all them drunk kids at Manhattan College.
But I'm back in the library, this time not alone, this time surrounded by people. And for the same reason. My roommate and his girlfriend are 'occupying the room'. hmmmmm....
I saw Taxi Driver, Clockwork Orange and Suicide Club this weekend. All very good. Taxi Driver: kinda slow at first, gets better when he gets guns. Clockwork Orange: a classic; 3rd favorite film of all time. Suicide Club: one of the most thoughtful and introspective Japanese splatter flicks I've ever seen. IM me for details and examples. Actual don't. I don't wanna hear it.
I miss Saturday nights with the ball. Everyone coming back to Croton this Thanksgiving: WE'RE WATCHING THE BALL!!! Not at my house though; I don't have cable.
Seeing Helmet at the Bowery this Friday. $20; who's goin'? Yeah, didn't think so. C'mon!! NYHC, suckas!! You try to tell me you DON'T throwdown whenever 'Unsung' comes on.
Did shitty on the sociology test I thought I would do good on. I'm screwed in that class unless he gives me an A on my damn paper. Damnity dammit all to Hell....YOU DAMN DIRTY APES!!!
I miss that. I got some of that this weekend. Funny shit. I wish it were Wednesday. Then it would be closer to the Helmet show and farther from today. Today sucked. Blagh. I think that's about it. Oh yeah, YOU ALL SUCK TOO!!! HAHA!!! Blagh....sorry, I didn't mean that. All of you who ARE reading don't suck. Cool people. But screw everyone else, right? Right. Right-o.
Oh yeah, and I made a little 'Live your life - don't drink it away' bracelette [sp?]. Its a rubber band that I wrote on in College Writing. I'm not edge anymore, but I obviously pretend to be. I was listening to Snapcase this morning on the way back to school and I was like, 'this is nice positive music', so then I thought of 'Ambition Now' in College Writing and I made that bracelette [sp?].
OK, that's it.