Jul 06, 2008 22:06
Ok, here's the deal for anyone who doesn't already know. Tohma has just been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma and will be going through chemotherapy for probably the next year or so. She's going to be too sick to work for a long time and because she doesn't have insurance she's trying to get Medicaid and disability to help pay the huge bills for her treatment.
We all know Tohma lives and breathes cosplay and cons and she desperately wants to go to Otakon. I talked to her and really the only things stopping her from going are the money and not having a way to get there. So here's my plan. She can take the train from Highpoint to Richmond and back. Round trip is only $60. Then she can drive up with me. She's already staying in my hotel room so that's not a problem. She can go through the special needs booth and we can get her a wheelchair if she gets tired of walking. I think I have all the logistics worked out. What I do need however are donations. I'm horribly broke because my sister just got married or I would pay for it all myself.
I have a paypal account to make it easy for anyone who is able to donate to the "Get Tohma to Otakon" fund. I'm also taking into consideration that she might end up too sick that week to go. In that case Otakon has agreed to refund her registration and I will give any donations straight to Tohma to help pay her medical bills.
Any help you guy can give will be endlessly appreciated. I think going to the con will be really good to help her keep her spirits up. Besides the fact that it just wont be the same without her.
If you could pass this on to your friends that know Tohma but not me I would really appreciate it! Thank you so much guys!