May 15, 2005 07:42
Anyway, I got my first "real paycheck" (i.e. they didn't overpay me, or underpay me to counter the overpay) and the total amount that I got, after taxes, for one week, amounted to approximately $320... well, I'll tell you where all that went: $100 went into checking, $120 went for rent and food money, so I dunno what I'm gonna do with like the rest of it. It'll probably go to paying my medical bills next month. The month's half over, and that means in 2 weeks I'm going to have medical bills totaling about $300, and then a week after that another $100, plus I gotta keep up on rent payments like this until I start getting on company insurance (which is about a month from now) so... I really don't have a lot of money. I really hope I don't get fired, 'cause the supervisors don't really like me that much, but I don't think they will yet, because they supposedly lost 5 people last week (two firings, two temp contracts expired, and one person switched shifts, and at least another person is switching shifts next week, so they're getting a little underhanded on the shift that I'm working.) I try at least (which is more then some people.)
In other news, I'm starting to feel my fingertips again, from the work that I did like a week and a half ago. Just two or three more days, and I'll probably have full feeling back, as long as they don't put me back on that machine.
Coffee = Good.
I should probably volunteer for overtime next week, as long as there's more then five openings, I should be okay, this weekend they only had 3, and since it's only 3, I know what those poor souls will be doing, and I'm not that good yet... But hell, it is $120/day for overtime...