Oct 14, 2005 08:30
So last night my mom finds a leak in the basement. The water is coming in through the fusebox. Great place, huh? So they (she called the cops and the Fire Dept) turn off the power. I come over to my dad's for the night, and now I'm going back over there to mop up. And on top of all this Sam's street was flooded so I couldn't see her last night.
On the bright side though I found my Warcraft 3 cds and spent most of the night playing. So I might not be online too much for the next day or whatever.
Edit: Update. The power is back on at my mom's and the fusebox leak is fixed. However there's a half inch of water covering most of the basement floor. Seepage or somthing. She's calling around to find a shop vac that I'm going to go buy so we don't have to make 6000 bucket loads to dump outside. Of course... even if the vac holds 10x as much as the buckets, we'll still have to carry it upstairs and dump it out a few times. Hm. Well it'll suck regardless.