Jun 27, 2004 10:19
No kiddies, I haven't found a guy or a happy ending or anything of THAT sort....But I went to Disneyland for Hill's birthday on Friday, with Hill (obviously), and Dale, and Hill's friend Kim (who is the top of cool now that I've gotten to hang out with her)...It was the best day ever, I think.
First of all, good people...then there's good jokes.....the band that played for Hill....Alice's dancing with Hill, and then Tweedle Dee (or Dum) joining in....Our "Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil, and Dale praying" Splash Mountain picture..."How tall is Prince Phillip?" "This tall!"...."Is Prince Phillip GAY!?!"....Aurora (standing next to me for a picture): "Oh my, I feel so tall!" Me: "Yeah, I get that a lot."....
But overall, I'd like to shine light on the fact that most of the handsome guys who work at Disneyland are gay....except for AARON the Monorail driver that we made friends with. "So does it actually require neurons to drive this thing?"
Oh man. And then we watched the Imagine! Fireworks Show...and as we were leaving to run to see Fantasmic!, I thought I wasn't going to be able to see Tink fly down from the Matterhorn....but then I heard Hill screaming for me to stop and turn around, and sure enough, there she was!! It was so beautiful. The person dressed up as Tinkerbell (sparkling & lit-up costume included) was flying down from Materhorn mountain, and I seriously just started crying. It was just like I found that little kid inside me. Damn, what did I tell you Dale? Two days after and I still get teary-eyed when I talk about it. So yeah, I really need to get that job when I'm older. No questions asked. And I gotta get back to Disneyland soon. And by the way Jason, you're coming. Hahaha....
So then yesterday was Hillary's birthday partay...and that was fun. Yay for fun barbecues and summer. :) I love Charles, and if your prediction is right....when I'm disowned I'll come live with you.
By the way, Charlotte, we're getting together for coffee and just talking for an insanely long amount of time about anything and everything.
....And today I want to see The Notebook...I'm almost done reading. Whoever wants to come with me, call my cellphone. We're probably going late afternoon or a bit earlier than that, just to play it safe for the kids in summer school. All are invited! (I'm bringing LOTS of Kleenex.)
Love to all!! Sorry for not updating...Life has been too good to slow down and reiterate to everyone. :) I love that I'm this happy all the time. Thanks everybody.