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GRYFFINDOR!! silver881 July 16 2009, 05:57:10 UTC
Koyama and I are seeing it later today!!! *wishes to see it with him instead*

im sooo excited to see it!!! *should go back to bed too*


Re: GRYFFINDOR!! deatheaterjera July 16 2009, 16:06:47 UTC
Added! (I feel bad now that I didn't add you automatically. I didn't know you were an HP fan, and so yeah. T.T But then you did say if you can claim it, you would. . . I went back and forth for a bit with it. XD)

Waaaah I hope you enjoy it! The actors did such an amazing job! Not naming names, but Rupert Grint and Tom Felton were particularily . . . nice. XD


Re: GRYFFINDOR!! silver881 July 17 2009, 04:26:15 UTC
haha dont feel bad :D

i just got back from work now ... and i saw it beofre work ... it wasnt my fave movie goblet of fire owns me still ... but the acting and the effect were amazing ... i just wish it would follow the book more :( oh well ...

NOW did you hear The Deathly Hallows is going to be 2 PARTS!? one coming out next year and the last 2011 *______* im going to go nuts where they are going to cut the movie off at D:

i mught have to re-read it before it ... i should have re-read HBP before seeing it ... but im still reading the twilight books ... im on the last one though XDDD i only read at work wayyyytoodistractedathome

OHH random ... i was looking at your profile and it says youre from WI? if so im in the next state over mn here XDD but yeah that was random and found that cool :D



OH MY GOD I RAMBLED SO MUCH deatheaterjera July 18 2009, 01:01:14 UTC
I think I might agree with you about Goblet of Fire being the best. XD There were a few things they added that I didn't like (WTF BURNING BURROW) but a few things I loved (Draco showing his Dark Mark). I guess since they stopped following the books real close since movie 3, they feel the need to stay random. D:

I did! D: I really can't believe they're doing that. Most of it is just camping. That does. not. sound entertaining. XD But I have no idea where they'd even end it at (unless it's at the Shell Cottage), and so I think it would suck watching and all of a sudden. . . it would be ended. And then a wait.

I like to re-read the the books too. How many times have you read DH?

You're into Twilight? Which is your favourite? Did you like the movie or the book more? I try to not be a fan, but I'm sort of kind of ok with the books. I just hate Kristen Stewart. XD I thought Bella was bad, but she just -killed- her. And now that Robbie-Rob dumped her, I feel more up beat about the whole movie thing. XD ( ... )


Re: OH MY GOD I RAMBLED SO MUCH silver881 July 18 2009, 12:09:16 UTC
i wish they showed a close up of the dark mark on draco's arm)

i think the final battle is going to be epic ... but the camping did have a lot of big parts

it took me 4 months to read DH XDD (i ONLY read at work, LOL) but i've only read it once ... i need a cliff notes version of the potter books ... that would be great! just have like it all summarized and have the big parts in there.

i got the twilight series as a last minute gift from my grandma ... cause she didnt know what else to get me, lol

i liked the books more ... and i wish they picked a better actress thatn kristen stewart ... you know to be honest ... i dont care about tabloids, lol ... but thats all that i fricken see when im at work (work at wal-mart and am a cashier, lol)

i dont mind mn that much, lol ... but i woulndt mind being somewhere else *coughjapancough* ... lol there was a LJ user that i just lived like a mile or 2 from! sadly we didn't click as friends ... we had same fandoms ... but ... i dont know ... sometimes you just cant click with some people


Re: OH MY GOD I RAMBLED SO MUCH deatheaterjera July 19 2009, 00:34:48 UTC
I hope it's epic. At least the Hogwarts thing is gonna be epic. XD If they can switch the final battle between Voldie and Harry some how and make it better, I'll die happy. Not happy happy, because I hate Harry, but yeah.

Do you read during breaks, or just when it's slow? It would be nice to have cliff notes of the books! :D I wonder if they have those?

I don't care about the tabloids too much. I just was a Robbie-Rob fan, and I wanted icons. So when all they started making were Robbie-RobxKristen icons, I got a little miffed. :\ I know what you mean! I worked at Target as a cashier, and it was just. . . annoying.

Japan! :D It would be nice to be there. Do you know Japanese at all? Maaan! That could have been cool if you guys clicked and stuff! But you're right. Sometimes it's just like. . . eh.


Re: GRYFFINDOR!! deatheaterjera July 16 2009, 16:20:32 UTC
O hai! I forgot to comment in the other entry, and I'll just do it here, since I'm here! Thanks for the program! :D I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but once I get back from Illinois, I'll definitely have to try ot out! ^^ -hugsquish-


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