Hello fellow 'cesters! I've formed a new community with an eye toward a fic fest centering on deflowering one Draco Malfoy:
deflower_draco . I'm hoping to entice some of you to join the fun, as I've noticed that, compared to other het ships, there's a greater chance (or a chance, period) for Draco to be a virgin when paired with, say, his mad Aunt Bella. The fest will allow and welcome incest (including chan) as long as it's het (there's plenty of virgin!Draco in slash). More details on the comm's profile page.
We're just getting off the ground (notice the lack of even a pimping banner--if you do graphics and would like to help it would be much appreciated!) and are doing a bit of a slow roll-out. We're at the opinion stage, figuring out how the fest will/should work, and the more feedback the better! :)
Due to the nature of the comm and fest, you do need to be 18 to join.