Sep 25, 2011 19:17

Thinking about joining or need time to fill out the application? No problem, that's what reserves are for! To place your reserve, fill out the form below and reply to this post with it. However, please make sure to check the taken page/the reserve list here, to make sure the character you're looking to reserve isn't already applied for/reserved.

Reserves will last one week. If you need an additional week, reply to us with a clever limerick or poetic haiku. In return, we will extend your reserve for one more week. Once that week is up, you must wait two weeks to be able to reserve that character again. Reserves last until MIDNIGHT EST of the day given to you.

However, please keep in mind that you don't need to reserve in order to apply! It's just a nice way to make sure no one beats you to the punch.

Reserves are OPEN


Allen Walker :: boxy :: November 18

Character name:
Character fandom:
Your name:
Your personal journal:


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