This month in review.

Apr 30, 2007 12:24

This month has pushed me emotionally and physically than any month I can remember. As one thing went wrong, I couldn't help but wonder.. what is next? I never really had a chance to let one thing bother me because something else was already on the way.

Heres a brief recap on what has gone wrong.

My car has died not once, but three times. The engine block, starter motor and power steering pump are all shot. I do not have the money to repair my car, nor the money to go get a new one. I have in turn been riding my bike to work all month.

I let my brother come live with me because life at the parents house was "too stressful" and he couldn't stand to live at home any longer. Even though I dont have an open room, I was willing to let him live in the living room, even charging him significantly less since he doesnt have a room of his own. This month our lease is up and my roommate is leaving. I explained to Chris that if he wanted to stay in the apartment I would need 150 for last month's rent and at least 150 for this months. I also explained to him that he would probaby be taking over the other room and that rent would go up for him if that happened. His response alright... Today I come home to an empty living room and a note from Chris saying that he is moving back home because he doesn't want to pay 300 dollars to live in the living room. If that was the case, I would understand. But since he is a month behind the 300 is simply both months rent combined. Instead of coming to me and talking, he simply leaves? Thank you brother. My other roommate is leaving and now I have a lovely 675 dollar rent due on the 5th of next month. This is what happens when you try to depend on people? You get shit on.

My bills are becoming out of control. I still owe for my credit card, my gas bill is around 300 dollars, I still have to spend 400 or so to get my insurance and everything else straight. On top of my car. This is what stresses me out more than anything, because as hard as I try to catch up... my credit is being ruined everyday.

Little Caesars is testing me. To see what I am capable of as a manager. Their idea of testing me was sticking someone thats been with the company for 14 years and has no motivation to work with me. The one place where I was free to really do what is needed has now become another place of stress. Everyday is spent trying to find a common ground between him and the rest of the crew. Everyone turns to me when something is wrong, then he gets pissed because he is "in charge". No one listens to him. What is this really testing? I can run that store as well as any manager they stick in front of me. Working 60+ hours every week isn't helping much. I am too burnt out emotionally and physically to even begin to deal with everything in a logical manor. And me bitching and whinning all day long only pushes people away.

And with that said, brings me to the next lovely part of my month. So many of my friends have come to me and stated that I am not the same person and that they can no longer be my friend. Read above, then try and be the same person without getting stressed out. Friends are supposed to back you up, hold your damn head up when you cant. Not help kick you in the gut when you are already gasping for air. I have had a talk with those that said this, and I believe they understand.

Please dont respond to this in any way. Its not meant as a oh woe is me kinda post. Just explaining myself to those that dont know whats going on.
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