Countdown TCG [trade log]

Oct 01, 2008 01:35

[[ INFO ]] :: [[ COLLECTING ]] :: [[ TRADING ]] :: [[ TRADE LOG ]] :: [[ MASTERED: 1 ]] :: [[ MASTERED: 2 ]] :: [[ EXTRAS ]]

6:02 AM 2/22/2009: played game: Weekly Puzzle - received monokuro07, striker06 + 1 white ticket; played game: Warped Card - received truth11, shorty13; played game: Drama Script - received ciao08 + 1 white ticket; played game: Mystery Album - received dosbancho14, docomo12 + 1 white ticket; played game: Guess the Affiliate - received yuugure15, monokuro05; purchased yuugure02, yuugure03, yuugure06, yuugure08, yuugure12 from JE Shop for 5 gold tickets; December and January stamp badge trade-in - received tsukachan15, ainante11, hero04, privatehearts11, yuuki14, momoiro02 + 1 raffle ticket and 2 white tickets

10:07 PM 2/1/2009: played game: JE Trivia - received encore12, themack15 + 1 white ticket; mastered: Nagareboshi - received master badge, truth02, days14, cartoon09, yuugure12

8:40 PM 1/30/2009: played game: Deck Shuffler - received yuugure07, shorty07, southend04; played game: Lucky Card - received yuugure15, haha05; played game: Role Call - received shorty12, ender01, tanoshi05; playd game: Where's Jimmy? - received ainante14, mrright14, orion03, yazumi07 + 1 pink ticket; played game: Group Challenge (Bundle Up) - received southend11, ender10 + 1 gold ticket

10:01 PM 1/22/2009: traded tanoshii14, orion04, orion12 for monokuro15, someday05, someday13 from Uyuki + stamp badges

10:00 PM 1/20/2009: traded kawaii05 for futarinoyoru05 from Reiyuki + stamp badges; traded shiro08, southend15, stereo14 for fighto07, futarinoyoru13, momoiro15 from Chi + stamp badges

2:38 AM 1/15/2009: took yuugure10, spirit02, chikara06, monokuro10, southend15, monokuro02, eigo06, orion12, ciao04, yuugure11 as freebies

2:17 PM 1/13/2009: played game: Treasure Hunt - received flame15, faith09

9:59 PM 1/10/2009: traded kawaii15, ciao01, ciao10 for someday05, someday08, someday12 from mystika_d + stamp badges

9:06 PM 1/9/2009: played game: Mystery Album - received tanoshii14, truth09 + 1 white ticket; played game: Weekly Puzzle - received yuugure14, orion07 + 1 white ticket; played game: Mr. X - received dosbancho04, tanoshii01 + 1 white ticket; played game: Wardrobe Check - received spirit13, orion04, southend12; played game: Warped Card - received yuugure04, ciao10; received haha25, yuugure05 + 1 gold ticket for Group Callenge (Bundle Up); took yuugure09, double up bonus coupon and lucky 13 bonus coupon as freebies

9:43 PM 1/6/2009: played game: JE Trivia - received monkiez10, shoujo05 + 2 white tickets; received blondie18, mabo02, viva03, yuugure01 + 1 raffle ticket and 1 pink ticket for Deck donation

9:40 PM 1/5/2009: traded tsukachan03 for monokuro18 from Rina + stamp badges

9:38 PM 1/4/2009: mastered: HIGH, SHOCK - received master badges, ghost0, kuro03, monokuro01, nagareboshi03, namida14, riskylove03, taipi01, yuuki10

2:41 AM 12/29/2008: played game: Role Call - received monokuro08, amigo04, kouhai11; played game: Memory - received shorty05, ainante12 + 1 white ticket; played game: Missing Lyrics - received ciao09, tamachan11; played game: Deck Shuffler - received kawaii05, kuruma13, truth03; played game: Lucky Card - received eienni09 + 1 white ticket

1:45 AM 12/27/2008:mastered: SEASIDE - master badge, haha13, high13, ohha11, stereo14

1:51 AM 12/26/2008: received bang13, natsu03 + 2 white tickets for November stamp badges

1:45 AM 12/25/2008: received Secret Santa presents - 2 gold tickets, 1 free cd coupon, 1 free mag coupon, high05, high12, high13, secret santa badge (Mi-chan), 6 LJ icons, 1 LJ header, 1 extra SS badge + message

1:39 AM 12/22/2008: traded ainante05, ainante13 for fighto06, fighto12 from Mi-chan + stamp badges; traded kanjiru03 for someday02 from Satsuki + stamp badges; mastered: DO S BANCHO, I AND AI - received 2 master badges, aki06, dosbancho07, flame14, high05, high12, masterkey01, sleeplessnights02, taipi13

2:03 AM 12/20/2008: traded dosbancho09 double for shock05 from Furo + stamp badges

2:02 AM 12/19/2008: traded harmony15, jump11 for seaside04, twilight11 from Mirraya + stamp badges

8:17 PM 12/14/2008: played game: Jigsaw Puzzle - received aki14, bang05, fumi09, kiiro14, leader08, tartan08 + 1 white ticket; played game: JE Trivia - received chairo06 + 1 white ticket; purchased 2 photos (jun, sho), dosbancho11, iandai03, iandai15 from JE Shop for 3 gold tickets and 16 white tickets; traded mrright05 for momoiro04 from Arimi + stamp badges

5:31 PM 12/11/2008: donated fighto05 as wildcard for Group Challenge: Bundle Up

5:21 PM 12/10/2008: got riskylove10, bluejeans02, fighto02 for donating deck images (Creat A Deck)

5:47 PM 12/9/2008: traded truth04 for dosbancho12 from Jennifer + stamp badges; traded harmony12, high06 double, shoujiki07, shoujiki14 for docomo14, monokuro11, monokuro14, momoiro08 from Ails + stamp badges

2:05 AM 12/8/2008: played game: Name That Tune - received dosbancho10, pacific10 + 1 white ticket; played game: Movie Reel - received shorty11, harmony15, shorty06; played game: Guess The Affiliate - received dosbancho09, life10, boushi06; played game: Group Challenge (Flowers) - received nagareboshi12, twilight11 + 1 gold ticket; played game: Warped Card - received dosbancho14, kazenouta08; played game: Wekly Puzzle - received colorful15, kazenouta10 + 1 white ticket; played game: Mystery Album - received ciao01, ciao05 + 1 white ticket; played game: Mr. X - received another12, megane01 + 1 white ticket

2:23 AM 12/7/2008: traded ainante06, ciao07, ciao13 for bang14, shima01, shima07 from Uyuki + stamp badges; bought 1 mag (anan0207), 1 CD (truth) and 5 raffle tickets from the JE Shop for 31 white tickets and 3 pink tickets

9:37 PM 12/4/2008: received hohoho06, high06, superfly07, midori08, wave09, shock13, carnival13, future03, anshishoku05, otp13 for Doubles trade-in (chibiko12, chikara11, goofy08, harmony03, icecold06, junes04, monkiez10, peace03, piko03, shoujo08)

8:11 PM 12/2/2008: got ciao07 + 1 white ticket from forum game (Ichimon Ittou); played game: Role Call - received monokuro12, shorty08, monokuro03; played game: Memory - received dosbancho05, junes02 + 1 white ticket; played game: Lucky Card - received shorty04; played game: Missing Lyrics - received someday03, truth14; played game: Deck Shuffler - received onejr05, shoujiki14, dosbancho13

8:55 PM 12/1/2008: traded fantastipo02, fantastipo06, haha02, kuruma03 for docomo06, futarinoyoru07, futarinoyoru12, futarinoyoru15 from Jenshinnn + stamp badges; traded nagareboshi07 double for fighto14 from Reiyuki + stamp badges

maia: countdown

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