so yeah, i'm still alive and i still like my
haircut but you know all this. the real reason i'm updating? the same reason as always!!! to freak out about UPCOMING MOVIE OBSESSIONS!!!
first and foremost, EVERYone and their mama knows about Sweeney Todd, but for some reason yahoo is the only place to get the
trailer (way to let me down, and literally, it's what Harry Potter actors did during their summer vacation... except it's also got Johnny Depp, who I think would've made an excellent Harry Bottoms. fuck the age time-line!! ANYway, it looks amazing, and of course, i can't wait.
secondly, you all know my obsession with Guillermo del Toro. not only is he doing another ghostie movie with spanish civil war ties, 3993 ("a ghost story about 'the hostages left to fortune by the past'..." according to imdb) but there are rumors that he was able to find a 'home' (ie. studio with enough dollars) for one of his pet projects, H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. I read this a million years ago, but from what i remember, with del Toro at the helm (heh heh heh... boat jokes) this is going to be FUCKED UP AWESOME!!!!
finally (because i really want to take a nap) i was sitting at a light this morning and started to think about Jurassic Park. (leave me alone, i wake up at 5:30 and apparently still in dreamland during the AM drive...) anyway, my thoughts on it were this: thank god they didn't make it in 2000 and try do everything with CGI instead of using some giant robo-dinos. nothing is less scary than people screaming at something slightly to the left of what they are actually looking at. eye contact = awesome. anyway, hollywood read my mind, and went back into time to early august, and shat on my morning wakie happy thoughts. yes folks, jurassic park 4 is coming,
and they are giving the dinosaurs guns.
fuck you, jeff robinov. warner bros, don't make me come over there with a shotgun.