Mar 02, 2005 14:19
I've been pretty unhappy as of late.
I don't know why.
I guess there is either no reason or an abundance of reasons.
Its probably just the ol' mid/end of winter depression that I tend to get. I missed that last year cause I was in England.
I've just been really irritable lately and it seems like everything frustrates me.
Things that would normally make me really happy just make me moderately sane for that moment.
Here are some things that are bothering me right now.
1. I got my bottom braces on and I'm in a lot of pain. (especially when eating, kissing, or toothbrushing)
2. My lipring closed up when I took it out to get my bottom braces on and then went to work.
3. I have sooooooooo much work to do for school and I just can't bring myself to do it.
4. No Matter how much I try to declutter and clean my room it just doesn't get any better.
5. I have no money to pay my bills.
6. I don't have an apartment.
But make things seem a little better, here are some things that make me feel a little better sometimes.
1. I get a bunch of free cds from Professor Wardyga
2. I like doing the radio show.
3. Free Icecream (Thanks Ben and Jerry's worker Evan)
4. My sweet playstation.
5. Taiko Drummaster!!!
6. The prospect of visiting Adam's apartment in two weeks.
7. Enjoying my job.
8. Vinny.....
So I guess that's it. I am uber stressed. I should go try and do the 6 page paper that was due yesterday and do the 15 sketches for 1 garment I already know I am making. Or I'll nap again. Ahhhhhhhh....naps.