My street name is butch, my core name is Chris

Jan 18, 2008 23:46

I am on the rollercoaster of life. Except coaster only has one hill. And it just keeps on going down.

My jeep is gonna get repoed. Can't afford it and cant trade it in. So I gotta start saving for a new cheapo car. My credit will suck but at least I'll have money.
Kayla is still going to the show with a person I don't want her to. So we still aren't together and by her words "won't ever be".
Kinda wanna just stay inside all day forever.

Getting a new tattoo next week. I know I have to save money, but whatever. Theres always the bus.
Zoe is being real good for me, and horrible for everyone else. Makes me feel good.
Work is going good. I was district employee of the month. Got a pin. I love work. I wish i got more hours though.

I saw "I Am Legend" the other night. And of course I loved it. Although the infected were wicked CGed. Not cool.

So to end this brief glimpse of my inner workings, I'll say that life... overall... sucks. There are some bright spots. Maybe they'll get brighter as time goes on. But for now, I wish I had never left my room.
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