Title: Sweet Recreation and Innocence
Rating: G
Word count: 106 words
Characters/Pairings: Edward, Marian, Robin; Marian/Robin
Prompt: Marian/Robin, thick as thieves
Summary: Edward observes a young Marian and Robin.
Notes: Title taken from Alexander Pope's Ode On Solitude.
If the Sheriff of Nottingham had any qualms about betrothing his beloved daughter, still so young, to an orphaned noble boy as reckless and as daring as Robin of Locksley, they were dispelled the first time he saw them together. Heads bowed close, a look of intense concentration on Marian’s face as she puzzled over the riddle Robin had just told her, they certainly did not look as though they had only been introduced just a few moments before. Edward watched from a distance as Marian’s expression changed from frustration to delight as she blurted out the answer and flung her arms around her new-found friend.