Title: I’m Still Alive (But I’m Barely Breathing)
Rating: G
Word count: 111 words
Characters/Pairings: Guy, Marian; Guy/Marian
Prompt: Guy/Marian; hide and seek
Summary: They flattened themselves against the wall as much as possible, hardly daring to breath as guards thundered past them.
Notes: Not sure of the setting of this piece to be honest, just that for some reason Guy and Marian (together, yep) are fleeing Nottingham/somewhere. Inspired by the scene in The Sound of Music where the family hide in the abbey grave-yard.
They flattened themselves against the wall as much as possible, hardly daring to breath as guards thundered past them. He could tell by the way she squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw that she was utterly terrified of being discovered. He silently enveloped her in his dark cloak, obscuring her further into the shadows as he folded her into his arms. Feeling her trembling against him he pressed a kiss to her hair and held her tight as she buried her face in his chest. When the guards turned the corner he waited a few moments before checking the coast was clear. Then, hand in hand, they hurried on.