Apr 03, 2035 23:50
Oh, no, anything but the Wait List! At least rejection would have been clean and final. Well, it's looking like the UO might just be the place.
I have a new icon. It's Chauntelle in the Telescope Eyes music video. I can't wait... 16 more days!
I have new hair. I won't post pics cos i don't have a camera, so you'll just have to see me in person.
I like The Like, and I really like that I got their CD "Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?" for $5 at El Sweeto (not its actual name) music store. That's Ariana's name for it, anyways. Speaking of Ariana and $5, thanks, I almost dropped that bill for good, but she was there to protect me.
Oh god, I am not prepared for the audition to-morrow. Scary.