a night that will live in infamy....

Mar 25, 2005 22:07

i feel that an entire journal page should be dedicated to my night tonight. to start off the night i woke up at about 6:15 pm and i got dressed to start the night. Marlena came and picked me up from my house and ashley, angel, taylor marlena and i drove over to Gary's apartment. We arrived and smoked a few joints and athena showed up. then marlena and athena went to the store to buy some alcholic beverages. while they were gone ashley and angel took a few shots of vodka. we kept smokin' and chillin til' everyone was blown. (especially ashley, angel and taylor) when marlena got back we started drinkin' then all of a sudden angel disappears when we find him he's sitting on the back poarch and hes puked everywhere. we tried to clean it up and evrything was still good, mean while ashley starts to feel like shit. After a while we realized that she had gone to the bathroom and was puking, then she stood up and puked on the carpet, then the toilet, then the bathtub. While their puking gary and i went into the other room to have some alone time.... some very very intense alone time. by the time we came out everyone had migrated to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and the first thing i hear is "it would be cool if you guys were robots". Angel is sitting in the bathtub, ashley with her face in the toilet and taylor hidden behind the door with marlena drinkin' her ass off. By this time its about 10:30 and marlena is so fucking trashed she couldn't sit, stand or do anything that requires thinking. this is the point where we realized that marlena will not be able to drive anyone home. this bitch was so drunk she ruined 3 different shirts, spit in garys bong, tried to spit in the ash tray and laid her head in bobbys lap. she was not driving. so time goes by and we just chilled, i was pretty drunk and by this time angel was supposed to be home loooong ago, but our parents think we're at a movie. at 11:30 we leave gary's and drive back here, marlena said fuck it and stayed at garys house tonight. taylor is standing in my front yard right now, angel is walking home drunk hiding from cops, mar is passed out at gary's, ashley parents picked her up and she got in alot of trouble and I'm here typing about this night that was so detailed i can't even explain everything that happened. I just can't even begin to believe i got away with all the shit i just did in the past 6 hours.......
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