Oct 16, 2006 16:31
I was going to talk about a few things here, but I'm so angry with the ridiculous display in the Orange Bowl on Saturday, that it is going to take an entire entry.
I am absolutely ashamed and embarrassed about the brawl that occurred during the Miami vs. FIU football game this weekend. It was disgraceful and a terrible reflection on the programs, schools AND the city. Being a huge fan of UM and it's football program, I am more upset with their part in the fight. Here are my reasons. First, they are a larger program and have been around much longer... higher profile. Second, I don't care who started it, you show respect... if not to yourselves, to your fans and your school for allowing your lame asses to play a sport that you love and go to college in the meantime. And third... this is NOT the first time that this has happened.... even this season. I didn't like it when they got away with being complete morons just because they were good... now they are having a terrible season and still think that they can do whatever the hell they want to do! I am sick and tired of rooting for a team of criminals!! And I think that most other real UM fans would agree with me. I should be able to be proud to wear a UM shirt... not hide it in the back of my closet, because I am ashamed.
This is not solely about the players... Larry Coker and Donna Shalala have a responsibility to the school and the community... as well as to the players (innocent and guilty). If these players get away with this (and a one-game suspension IS getting away with it), then they will really be showing what a COMPLETE joke of a program they are. They need to rebuild this program from the ground up. Miami is notorious for recruiting kids with terrible images who happen to play football well. This has got to stop! If they insist on giving kids second, third, fourth, and tenth chances, then they have to set and enforce rules for players, and when players step out of the lines PUNISH THEM!!! Enough is enough!
While I'm ranting... fans hitting police officers who are trying to break up fights is NOT okay. The fights are bad enough on their own. ... something else for which Miami is notorious.
I'm done... but I will be greatly disappointed if Miami doesn't deal with this the right way. An email from President Shalala is not enough... DO SOMETHING to fix it.
Okay, I'm really done now... sorry about this, guys... I just needed to get it off my chest.
EDIT: OH... one more thing...
Many of you probably don't even know about this part, but after listening to Mike & Mike this morning, I'm even more angry. Lamar Thomas, a former University of Miami football player, was one of the broadcasters on the radio. He made some comments that were absurd. Some of the stupidest things I have ever heard out of a broadcaster's mouth... and even more of an embarrassment. I will paraphrase. He basically said that when you come to the Orange Bowl and talk bad about the team, you deserve to get beaten up... and they should continue the fight outside. HE WAS CONDONING IT!! What a joke! I was in shock when I heard about this... literally... my mouth was hanging open.
Done again... heh.