Today, I went thrift shopping for the last time second-to-last time before flying off to Philly this coming Wednesday. I knew finding pieces for the Tenth Doctor's suit was going to be quite the task, but I still had high hopes. I took Ducky along and we went to Texas Thrift off of Loop 410. Let me tell you guys something! This store does NOT disappoint. Nobody knows how many times this place has been a total blessing. I went searching, rack after rack, for the pieces for his suit. Not only did I find the pieces in a color that pleased me, but they were both half off that day!
I was thrilled to the max. What are the odds of finding two pieces that not only match and fit me like a glove, but are on sale? It was totally a one in a million find. Maybe some of that luck can rub off and I can finish up Hong Kong before boarding time!
I will be replacing the buttons and shortening the sleeves. It's a bit darker than the Doc's and it is not pin-striped, but I am happy with it.
Obligatory action shot!
I'd figured that people would be tired of headless shots!
Hey! Who turned out the lights?!
New to Who? These guys do an excellent job going over the basis of the show. From the theme song to the Doctor's gadgets, it is a real delight to watch! New and old fans will get a real kick when these guys trek through the Whoverse!
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Obligatory shipping MV.
Why, yes! I do ship some Tenth Doctor/Martha Jones (Much to
code_59kc's dismay). :)
I'm kind of contemplating whether or not to get my haircut and dyed for him. I kind of just want to cut out the head and glue it to a brown paper bag. XP