I haven't been to LJ in years, if my last entry is any indication.
It started with a small writer's block that exploded into a major writing slump; made worse by real life that forced me out of the DBSK fandom for some time, and then some more. I wrote a few snippets for inspiration, which never really came, so my hard drive is peppered with fanfics that are half-finished, some promising, but with no particular direction nor purpose. I went into a self-imposed fandom exile; the unproductive writing was feeding the urge to jump off the nearest building.
The next thing I knew, there was already JYJ (huh?); and so much has happened during my forced hiatus that I couldn't get into the stream of DBSK happenings without going crazy. There was so much information. That JYJ was formed I learned from my sister, who, fortunately, has already filtered much of that which I'd like to know. I'd be lying if I say that that news of the sub-unit did not disturb me. Sub-units do make me sad, you know, but this was DBSK, and I guess no matter how old I get I still do have the naivety of a forever faithful fan who thinks that 5-2=0. Or 5-3=0. You do the math.
But that's beside the point. I do write fics with alternate universes, after all.
I'm really writing this to thank everyone who has read (and is still reading!) my works. Even until now--two years since the last installment--I still receive comments about them. Surprise aside, I am forever grateful, and your words have been a source of strength. And I'd like to extend my most sincere apologies to all of you who left comments on my works--for not being able to reply to each comment (particularly to the recent ones), and especially to those who are asking for continuation of AnM, or closure of Full Circle. I'm truly sorry. I do think that no amount of writer's block should hamper any writer to respond to her readers.
Please accept this writer's apologies.
As to whether I am writing again, yes I am. I am picking up Anata no Memory to finish it once and for all. It has been a while though, so I'm getting my bearings back. As for Full Circle, I've read requests for a sequel. In all honesty, writing a sequel for that story is very difficult, as I never intended for a sequel. But I did plan for a post-story snippet (it's too short to qualify as a sequel) right before the writer's block struck, and had scribbled the plot in one of my notebooks. I hope to find those notes though, seeing that I've moved places twice.
Wow, writing this entry was like a breath of fresh air. I know a lot of you have thought I've disappeared from the face of the earth, so I am not sure if this entry is going to get any reads. But I'll take my chances anyway, and for those who will stumble across this entry--by accident or otherwise--or any of my works below, I'm saying thank you, see you soon, and keep the love for that couple that brought you to my journal, bright and burning.