(no subject)

Oct 04, 2007 12:36

Day 3 in the "My Body is Rejecting Itself Saga 2k7":

So last night I passed out at around 2 am after taking 4 NyQuils with the WORST earache I've ever had in my entire life - shortly after, around 5 am, I woke up with a more blinding acute earache and a pillow dowsed in my blood.

Long story short, I went to the doctor today and apparently my tympanic membrane ripped itself open under all the pressure it was under. Now I'm on Levaquin, Allegra-D, and about 3 Advil an hour... and my ear still wont stop leaking everywhere.

Apparently a head cold, scuba diving 5 times this weekend, and the weather change proved to be WAY too much for my eustachian tube.

One great thing about working in Infectious Disease is having access to the best doctors in the city in very short notice, one bad thing about working in Infectious Disease is that instead of the doctor swabbing your ear and sending it off to a lab - she swabs your ear, makes you go back into work and plate your bloody swab to see if you have MRSA.
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