Yeah, finally I returned here on LJ! >:D
Really, guys... this last month was a living hell è_é tests, parents-teachers meeting, a lot of other things... The good thing is that I went to the cinema *O* I saw "Parnassus", is a nice movie u_ù
But the movie that I MUST see is Dorian Gray é_é WTF! I wanna see it ç__ç I read the book and now I must go to the cinemaaaaargh! x_x
I don't have time ç.ç but I can find it :D Maybe monday... mah...
Ah, and from now on I love Charlie the Unicorn x°°°D bwahaha! "C'm on Charlieeee! We go to the candy mountain!"
Anyway, I made icons! Yeah, again! xD The principal theme is Trinity Blood, but I made also Dorian's Icons. Oh! And you can find some old Icons that I made month ago u_ù
Well... Enjoy!
Trinity Blood and Dorian
Some old stuff xD
The colorations of the Trinity Blood's Icon are mine and also the colorations of Howl and Cheshire Cat *O* If you want the .psd just ask :3
Stay Tuned on D&B' s LiveJournal <3
"Noooooo Fugu fish!"