Jul 19, 2006 11:42
I hate this fricken weather with all of my being. It's too hot, I can't think and I cannot sleep. What is with this people? It's just not fair. Give me an emo fringe so I can bawl my eyes out over it!
Things have been going alright as of late - I dorve all the way up to Basingstoke last weekend. I was scared shitless! But I made it unscathed in my pretty little car *beams*. Then on Saturday I went up to London and visited London Dungeons. Hell it wasn't scary but it sure was fun ^^ All the really bad actors and stupid lines they tried to feed us!! It was hilarious! and then at the end they were all like 'Die die' instead of bai bai, so yeah...I have adopted it as my own lol.
I have 3 new pets since Monday - 2 mice and another hamster. Ozzy is still alive, bless him, but he's getting old and has itchy skin of something, cause he has scbas all over him :( But my new hamster is big fat and white, named Fubar :D He really is the biggest fattest hamster ever lol. He had red eyes too, albino hamster aye! The 2 mice are named Hubb and Capp, one black and one white. ZOMG I love them, they are so small and cute...even if they are really loud at night *mutters* lol. It's not their fault, it's the wheel. I would remove it if I could - stupid plastic premade cages lol.
So because they were so noisy (and it was fricken hot!) I ended up coming downstairs and sleeping on the sofa. Didn't get downstairs until about 4.30am...woek up at 9.30am this morning. you do the math. holly + no sleep = bad mood. Or at least usually it does. But not this time *blink*
Anyways that's about it...oh, I have some new songs to post up for your viewing pleasure soon. Perhaps later I shall post them...
Later Days xxx