Bordem Rant

May 21, 2009 12:37

english class again and again no work toward my essay or pressintation for the stupid shakespear festival got done.... to busy doing other stuff....(doddeling, grade quote/voting most likely thingy ect.)

tomorrow i am going to hang out with my friend steph and we are going to cliftin hill for the night. we wre going to do relay for life but i unfortunetly cannot due to my fucked up knee. thanks to the 19 year old bitch who hit me with her car and other stupid things to fuck my knee over. so now if i want to not have to get a surgery then i have to keep a watch on how much i do when it comes to my knee... yay fun cause even just walking around (like relay is) is going to fuck my knee over.

i really wiush i could do relay but i cant. i am happy thouhg that i can still rais the money for it. my family has been hit by cancer too many times. my grandma rung who passes away back in february had breast cancer. so did her sister my aunt marlene who died from having it three times. my aunt cathy (my moms older sister) has had breast cancer twice. My grandpa has had stumach and esophagus cancer. and to top all that off my moms best friend, (who was married to my dads best friend) died last summer form having fought leukiemia for six years, which she got from the treatment for breast cancer. Ya there's a once percent chance that from a treatment for breast cancer you can get leukemia and she was in the lucky one percent.

the part that pisses me off the most is that my mom knows that breast cancer is hereditary but she refuses to go get checked out for it. it scares me to no end that she will die young and there was a possiblity that we could have prevented it. but no she wont cause my aunts doctor called her the day of her daughters high school graduation to tell her what was wrong.

i just wish that everything would just go back to the days of kindergarden when all you cared about was having fun. we didnt care about what people wore or the colour of their skin or their religion we just wanted to have fun. i think the only thing that i cared about back in that time was the boys had cooties and that we need to run away. and fast. lol. but thats just an empty dream that will get me through the tough shit in the world toiday.

i cant believe that high school is supposed to be the "best" years of your life. are you fucking kidding me??? high school is the fucking worst time of our lives. there is so much drama you want to kill everyone, the teachers are always loading on the homework like theres no tomorrow, and you have no freedom to make our own way yets its the best times of our lives? get a life and go back to high school
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