Family Fude

Aug 24, 2008 21:56

Okay almost a year ago my mom got into an argument wiht her older sister, my Aunt Cathy, who is also my godmother. Well it ended with my aunt hanging up on my mom and my mom not talking to her and refusing to talk to her. Her reason is because my aunt was the one who hung up on her and that she shouldnt have to appologise. So my mom has given up on my aunt and wont talk to her and wont get over it. This all happened aroud my grandparents 50th wedding aniversary.

So now we had my brothers 21st birthday party, which in Canada doesnt have a real big meaning, but to my mom, who is an American, it was his farwell to his childhood and what not. Hre sister, my Aunt Trisha, who is my brothers godmother, was supposed to come over for the party. The party was to be a two in the afternoon. My mom finds out that at about 12:30 she went with my Aunt Cathy to visit my grandmother in the hospital. Which isnt bad at all, but she went with my Aunt Cathy, full knowing that the party was at two.

You would think that a close family like mine a godmother would want to be a her godsons birthday party, esspacial his 21st. But its now 10:05 and we still havent heard from her and my mom has cut ties off with her now too. That pisses me off more then anything because I love my Aunt Cathy and Aunt Trisha very much and i love haning out with my cousins but with my mom not talking to them i wont be able to ever get together with them adn my Aunt Trisha's kids i only got to see once maybe twice a year, but now probabley never because of this fight. I just wish that my mom would get over it and tell her sisters whats going on and that her sisters will open their eyes and see how they treat my mom and make her feel.

And now the only one of her siblings that she'll talk to is her big brother my Uncle Bob.

My mom out of the four kids is the closest one to her parents and she live in a nother fucking counrt and they say that she doesnt do anything about my grandparents. And they were going to have a family meeting and it was only going to be when my Aunt Cathy was able to come because she live like and hour to an hour and a half away and she has to work unlike her borther and sisters. But what her sisters have doine to my mom is unbeleiveable and i know that i dont know what the love of a sister is like i have a pretty good idea from my brothers girlfriend. but i couldn imagine my life with out her there to talk to and now my mom doesnt have her sisters there for her anymore. And it pisses me off. Even though my mom says that she doenst care i know she does and it hurts her that her sisters arnt there for her.

And i have no fucking clue about what to do about it. i want to supposrt my mom but i still love my aunts very much and i dont want to lose them but at the same time i dont want to hurt my mom. She tells me that i shouldnt let this change my feelings toward them but i cant help it. i just feel torn between two diffrent thing and i dont want to lose any of them, esspacaily my cousins adn my godmother. she was my sponcer for confermation and was always there to talk to even through her battle with breast cancer, both times. And i'm scared that i'm gong to lose her the way my mom lost her Aunt Marline, to having breast cancer three times before it finaly toke her. And i'm also scared that s that will happen before my mom makes up with her sisters and that i might not get to say goodbye to her and that would just kill me.

family, fights, cancer

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