Feb 09, 2007 21:46
Wednesday was student day of action. There was a protest rally not far from school and I had time to go between classes. I hopped the bus and when I got there the radical cheerleaders were performing. it was a bunch of girls in pink and black cheering about Tuition Fee Reduction. I surprised Heather, who was one of the cheerleaders. She remembered me and was happy to see me. There was maybe a couple hundred students and we marched from Victoria park down spring Garden and barrington to the legislasture. There were cheers but it was the usual "Hey, ho, tuition fees have got to go" and "what do we want? reduce the fees! when do we want it? now!" along with "we don;t want no mac and cheese, hey Rodney! cut the fees." When we got to the legislature Rodney Macdonald was in a meeting and after taking some pics on my phone, I could barely feel my toes and had class soon so I hugged Heather and left. Protesting in quite fun.