So things are just dragging along, now. I knew the route I took would literally broaden the horizons, but I didn't think it'd go this much.
I'll just organize it all.
I. What just happened.
- I, Claudea Levenworth, with the assistance of my brother Claud Levenworth, merged the worlds.
- "Merged the worlds" is an overused phrase. Something else needs to be thought up.
- This combined not only all the lands that I want to take over, but also introduced new foes, and possibly new allies.
- I jumped into this with a basic plan: Kill mother, get my full wing color, and simply destroy ignorant masses and redesign the world to my liking.
- I also jumped into this thinking that nobody else had ambitious plans to do the same, in their own little ways. That was my first and last flaw.
II. People.
- Kotomine Kirei. Kotomine has a way of taking over things in his own way-- with sacrifices, summoning the Holy Grail to open the gate to the source of creation. A rough sketch. He seemed to be slightly evasive, and I had to ask him to explain a few things to get the answers I needed. It was like he assumed I knew what he was talking about, also excessively used the phrase, 'of course'. Anyhow, he seems to know what he's doing, but there are two flaws and/or contradictions, depending on the circumstance.
Number one: "For a...child... you seem to be quite intelligent and well spoken." While the compliment is much, much appreciated, did he really have to call me a child?
Number two...
- Gilgamesh. I don't know much about this character, except that he's just greedy for everything. If I offer him an easy way into getting a good, good considerable portion of the end prize, he may be extremely easy to manipulate. However, as he seems to be after everything, maybe even that isn't good enough.
So, going back to Kirei, I believe I must have either one or the other, since they don't seem like they get along. Kirei is a charismatic gentleman, but he seems to have his own path, whereas Gilgamesh is an obnoxious, greedy little brat, but he could be easy to manipulate and make my own job easier. Very useful, both of them.
- Yami no Malik. An intriguing man. Kind of stupid, but he acts like he possesses some great power. I'll have to keep him in mind.
- Yakushi Kabuto. Just keep an eye on him. So what, I'm paranoid. But, I do have my reasons.
- Tayuya. I think she's just overly excited about the whole thing and would like to see the world go down, anyway. But, from brief observations, it looks like she has some sort of tie with Hueco Mundo. I may, of course, be wrong on this one. Either way, she would be a very valuable person to have, but chances of her picking up and leaving are higher than her remaining loyal. Besides, this woman is so vulgar. This also reminds me, though...
Heartless. Find a way to summon those.
- Makoto Shishio. I've only studied this man through observation. I've gathered that he must be in charge, and that he is a greedy man. Obviously, that contradicts my own motives. I plan to be in charge, and I am greedy. What can I say-- he is an opposing force that I consider my rival, or rather, a rival.
- Sousuke Aizen. I don't like this man, not one bit. I'm also afraid he has more experience and power than I, so I'll have to play around the bush a bit. Strategy is entirely crucial.
III. Other.
- Rukongai. I have heard so much about this place, and the people in it. Or, no, they're not people... But we'll get to that, later. Rukongai is pretty much the place people go to when they die. A sect of that is Seireitei, where the shinigami reside, and these shinigami have these things called 'zanpaktou' that are essentially swords that shapeshift and increase/decrease in power. I see people blowing off guys with powers to make their energy blow up a whole continent, but then once they hear about soldiers in the afterlife with cool swords, it's like we must question: can we defeat them?
In any case, they're only about as intimidating as anyone else who stands in my way, which varies. I'm not intimidated often, but we'll see what happens. I won't let their titles scare me.
Again, the only one I have a problem with is Aizen.
I've skipped a lot, Claud, but I'm honestly about to fall asleep, here. Do you think that once I get mother's powers, that I won't tire as easily? I really hope so.
Sitting here in my robe like this, though, in front of an open view behind this clear window, dim lights and a cozy chair... Life as I know it is too perfect to fall asleep in.
But, you're probably just nodding. You're not obligated to agree with everything I say, you know.
I can't check on you, tonight, so I hope your neck fairs well if you decide to fall asleep, sitting up with some pirate book in your lap. I'm going to sleep, myself.