Sep 29, 2005 12:20
Well it may seem to me at times that I have a great life. Something always seems to have a part of me and doesn't let me realm past it. I know that I have been this way my whole life. Since I first started it, I loved it even though I thought I didn't. It takes this part of me away. This part that seems to nag on my being, my life, my soul, my heart. It does take me to places in my head I don't want to be sometimes but more than that it makes me relaxed and able to do almost anything. It gives me unnatural powers that I can't get from anywheres else. I can do whatever I feel that I want to do. Nothing can compare to these feelings. I suffer because I can't be like this. I have been like this my whole life. I've never been able to cut it out. It's so much a part of me. It grabs me with it's little claws and pierces my skin just enough to know I need it but not enough to make it more than one part of me. I can still withold my personality but I'm changing again. I seemed like I was doing so good but I'm getting a little more irritated with people like I usually do and I thought that part of me was almost disappearing. I think it's just that people come between me and my pot. They try to tell me now, the people I have been smoking with all this time, that I have a problem. I DO have a problem but let me test the waters first. I know it's hard. I can do it if I can't afford it. But since I can and I have I do. I can't help those nagging feelings. I will try and control what I can but I can't live right without it. I tried salvia of course with pot and I lost all sense of reality. It was very interesting but worth the money. I've tried numberous drugs with pot and because of pot I did those drugs but you can only do those drugs when you have pot oh and lots of cigarettes. But good news awaits me. I will cut down on pot... and other drugs... eventually... but yeah, I am getting an apartment. It will be ready by November 1st... yeah! this is really happening! so much good news. I am happy! yeah! but remember this is only because i'm high.....