Title: Fair is Fair
death_omegaRating: R
Fandom/Claim: Original
Table: 11- Romance
Prompt: 01. All’s fair in love and war
Warnings: Slash, Swearing
Disclaimer: I own these characters.
You know things are bad when War and Love agree on something. Yes, as unthinkable as it is, my brother actually agrees with that…thing Love. Cupid! That little winged pain in the ass!
I think it’s Zofi’s fault. She’s made War different. I mean he’ll still kick your ass, but he’s totally mellowed. It’s weird.
Anyways, Cupid or Love as he is sometimes called, wanted this party thing. Everyone knows I hate parties, especially ones thrown by anyone from Up There. They are just to fucking perky. I hate perky.
War agreed. I think we were more surprised than anyone else. He said Zofi wanted to wear this hot little red dress and a Valentine’s party would be the best place.
Everyone agreed out of shock. Except Cupid. That little shit knows War is head over heals for Zofi and he used it against us.
Damn him and his wings.
So, now, I’m at this damn party watching people dance. Again. Last time this happened, I started…whatevering with Life. And I know he’s going to ask me to dance again.
Pestilence comes over to me. “You can’t hide against the wall forever, you know. Life will find you sooner or later.”
“Whatever,” I mutter. “I hate parties. Any kind, you know that.”
“I do. You could have a good time.”
I scoff. “I could, but I probably won’t.”
Pestilence shakes his head and leaves. Minutes later Life slides up to me.
“What?” I glare.
“You wanna go mock people and their clothing?” he asks.
I grin at him. “Do I ever. Can we do it to their faces? That’s more fun.”
“Well, duh.”
Maybe Valentine’s Parties aren’t all bad. But, if Love keeps grinning at me, I will rip his wings off. One feather at a time.