Bev enters the party and looks around. Cool people sit around in a drunken delirium in the background.
Pench approaches. Bev beckons to pench after he explains in drunken sign language that she has caused him to have an erection.
Pench never one to look a gift bev in the mouth proceeds to feed her drinks.
Pench makes sure ot mark his territory with the old subtle "arm around the shoulder.
But not well enough, as soon Bev is stolen away by Pench's best friend and house boy don.
A distraught, heart broken pench drowns in misery. Until he looks up to find love across the room.
A drunken and lonely pench finds true romance, finally. With an inflatable palm tree across the room that's secretly been eying him all night.
Justin Penchina sleeps in during a quiet sunday morning. From the heart and arrow smurfed on his forehead, it would seem the palm tree had a good time too.