Sep 17, 2005 18:03
Facts from the front lines.
Fact; Boston was founded 1727 by Lord Boston after he slaughtered the great dragon of Massachusetts a founded the city in it's blood. The skull of the dragon was laid under the flagstone of the original town hall.
Fact; All of the founding fathers had super powers, John Quincy Adams: X-ray vision, George Washington: not only did he have the strength of 20 men, but could also morph into a tree, Ben Franklin: was in fact a time traveling alien and in fact has always hated the french, John Handcock: in fact a homosexual signed the declaration of independence after winning a bet the night before by killing one hundred indians using only the powers of his mind.
Fact, The original town hall was destroyed in the great dinosaur boston stampede of 1803. Which was only put down when the heroic ben franklin focused the suns rays with his bifocals to destroy the mutant dinosaur leader.
Fact, The explosion of the dinosaur forced time traveling alien ben franklin into a time vortex where he remains trapped to this day, despite the efforts of the boston's best scientists.
Fact, When the Great Red Sock of boston, that Samuel Adams wore over his genitals when he founded harvard university is returned from the whales vagina in which it was hiding to protect it from the hands of evil a counter explosion will propel ben franklin back into our dimension.
Fact, The last time aliens landed in Boston was in 1984. A ufo landed in harvard square, aliens exited declared they're love for Soxs, bought merchandise and departed. The took only one man with them a Joseph Regan of cambridge mass. Fuck cambrigde, go soxs.
signed - nelson felicio rockefeller