Ok so being an idiot I started at 10AM this morning, rode from Hwy7 and leslie, down to John street all the way to Denison. It was only 7KM but I still managed stall twice (at stop signs). I don't know if thats success or not but on the way home I stalled once, actually...right on the drive way I gotta remember that uphill=more throttle.
Bringing her up to 80kmh for the first time is something I'll never forget although I should have been on 3rd and not 2nd when I did that :(
Oh yeah I got pulled over like on my first stop sign cuz the cop wanted to check out my bike, apperently he's never seen my type of headlights before...(insert dirty joke here)...
It was ok though because the cop was a biker like me and he taught me how to balance the throttle and clutch better. It helped majorly because I forgot my permit at home and was only riding with my insurance papers, and registration. He's like go to work, get home, avoid cops, then get your proper permit paper work next time. And I was off on my way.
He didn't even complain that my registration was for a red bike and not black.
http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=270+Esna+park+L3R+1H3&daddr=Suncrest+Blvd,+Markham,+York+Regional+Municipality,+Ontario&geocode=%3BFZz0nAIdlY1E-w&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=h&sll=43.830812,-79.359741&sspn=0.057707,0.110378&ie=UTF8&ll=43.831555,-79.365063&spn=0.057706,0.110378&z=13 View Larger Map