Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and today.

Dec 12, 2004 13:10

So, I haven't updated this in a few days and there is quite a lot to write about. I'll start with Thursday. After school Nathan and I had plans to go to the mall to get some Christmas shopping done. So, when I got home from school I got ready and then called him to tell him we were leaving soon. So, we picked him and we went to the mall. We didn't have much luck at all finding things that people wanted for Christmas. The only person we each had bought for was Kristina. So, we just walked around and stalked people. People as in 12 year old mall goths. They looked so pathetic. Really, it was terrible. I cannot stand people like that and they kept giving people "scary" looks and I suppose they did that to show off their dark selves. Haha. We had spent enough time at the mall so his mom picked us up around 7:30 p.m and then took me home.

Friday night was pretty cool. Angela had informed me Thursday that I was to go shopping with her after school then we were to go to Krogers and I was supposed to meet this boy Mitchell that is employed there. This came as a surprise to me. So, she told me that I had to wear make up and dress nice. Meaning no t-shirts. Even though he should like me regardless of if I wear make up or not. Anyways, I thought "What the Hell, I might as go along with it." So, I did so. Shopping was boring as usual. Nothing really interesting happened. After we were finished shopping Angela's mother picked us up to take us to Krogers so Angela could see Chris and so that I could meet this kid. We ordered pizza on the way there because Larosa's is around the area. We finally got to Krogers and found Chris who informed us that Mitchell had left early. I was like "What the fuck?". I think all things happen for a reason so obviously I would not have liked that kid. And I am glad I wouldn't have liked him for other reasons as well. I already like someone else, a lot. Anyways, after that we picked up our pizza and went back to Victoria's where we ate, made bagel dip, and played Scattagories (sp). Then I had left early so I could get home and wrap my mom's Christmas and birthday presents before she had gotten home. That was about all that happened that night.

And now for Saturday. I had so much fun last night. It was awesome. I had woken up at 8:40 a.m and started to get ready. Kristina picked me up at 9:30 a.m so that I could go with her to get her hair done. Her hair appointment lasted until about 12:00 p.m and after that we went to the mall to do more Christmas shopping. It was totally packed. I hate crowded places. Except for concerts. We finally found a parking space and went in. There were so many people. We went into several stores and I had finished up all of my Christmas shopping. Kristina had to help me put on a corset. Haha. It was the most difficult thing ever. It took like 20 minutes. It was finally on and I was like "I look stupid." So, after all the hard effort of putting it on I didn't want it. Hah. Then we decided to go to the food court and eat. I saw two kids that I had met a few weeks ago at Nate's party but I didn't say anything because I didn't remember their names. So, we just finished eating and shopped a little more and then left. We headed out to Best buy so that I could show her which cd I wanted and they did not have any of the ones that I had wanted. So, I had to pick some random Amon Amarth cd and I haven't heard any of the sons on it. But I have heard a few other songs by them and I liked them so hopefully I will like this cd. As we were walking around Best Buy I had again saw those two kids. Kristina was like just go talk to them. So, I did and said something like "I don't remember you name...etc." and he was like "It's John. I thought you were that girl from the party but I wasn't sure." That was pretty much it. So, we bought the cd's we needed and left. Well, actually we tried to do some stalk action but our actions had failed terribly. We had went to the Dollar General store after that to find random things to put in our stockings and after we were finished there we went back to Kristina's house to fill up our stockings and wait to receive plans for the night. As we were waiting we talking about how I needed to do something different with my hair. Not coloring it. Just fixing it different. So, I let Kristina fix it for me and she parted it to the side. It looked cool. Then she was like "Can I cut your hair?" I do not let unprofessional people with my hair so I was like "No." But, she cuts her own hair and it looks good so she talked me into it. She pulled a piece out and 7 inches fell to the ground. We were both like "Holy shit!" So, then she continued to snip pieces off. I have layered side bangs now. This will take some getting used to. Then she decided I need a little flower barret (sp) in my hair. I tried to explain that I am not a barret kind of gal but she was like "Oh come on" and so I let her. and it didn't look too bad. It just isn't me really. After than we went to go and meet Nathan at Wendy's. They forgot to put tomato on my chicken sand-which. Grr. Nathan decided he wanted to dye his hair and he was going to let us do it. How exciting. He wants it to be dark brown. But we ended up deciding to dye it a different night. After that we went back to my house so I could charge my phone. After my phone was finished charging we had decided to go to Target and look at cd's. So, we went and it wasn't really too entertaining. I brought up the idea of hanging out with my Dixie friends and they thought that would be cool. So, I called up Bobby and we went over Joey's house. It was Mark, Bobby, David, Jason, Joey, and this girl. Jason went to go get alcohol and we drink some beer as a tribute to Dimebag and we watched porn. Hah. On the porn disc there was this one that was making fun of the movie "Drop Dead Fred". It was quite entertaining. Kristina didn't drink though because she was driving and Nathan didn't drink because he had to go home. Nathan had to be home at 12:00 a.m so we left about 10 till that or so. Kristina didn't have to be home until 1:00 a.m though so her and I came back to my house and watched Bad Santa. It was funny. Then she left and a little after that I passed out basically from being so tired.

I woke up today at noon and ate breakfast. Then I played San Andreas for a little while before Angela had called me. We talked for a bit then she had to go because her break was over. Now I am on here and in a little while I am going to start my math project that is due tomorrow. It's over distance and I hate distance. Especially the distance between you and I.
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