Dec 06, 2004 00:23
Last night while I was updating this on how the night went I randomly got disconnected from the internet and lost everything. So, this entry will not be as good as last nights should have been. Last night had to be the most dramatic night of my life. It was really ridiculous. It makes me angry just thinking about it right now. And the fact that most of it isn't even resolved yet just makes it worse.
Kristina had called to inform me that she was leave her house at 5:00 p.m to come and get Christina and I so we could all go to the Festival of Lights. She picked me up and we went over Christina's to finish getting ready. We then headed to the Festival of Lights. Parking wasn't too bad at all. Just about a block up or so from the zoo. We get inside and is totally crowded. There were a ton of strollers too. People and their children kept running into us in such a rude manner. We then decided to go ice skating and as we were waiting in line we were like "Hey, I wonder where Mark is" and just as we were about to call his cell phone we spotted him skating around. So, yeah. We finally got to the front of the line and got our sizes. When we stepped onto the rink we realized the ice was not real! What kind of non sense is that?!? You couldn't even glide on it. I couldn't even stand up straight! That made us angry. So, we stayed on it for a total of about 10 minutes. After that we were bored of the Festival of Lights and headed back to the car. It was terrible.
It was still fairly early so Kristina decided to text Zack and see if he was free to hang out. And he was. So, after getting lost in Ohio and after so much confusion we made it Zack's house and then went to Applebees where Aaron met us. When we were finished eating we decided to sit in the cars until we thought of somewhere to go. On the way back to Kristina's car we saw Max and Steven. They were probably getting high. Hah. Christina told us that we were allowed to go to her until 12:00 a.m. so that is what we did.
There wasn't really anything interesting on t.v so Kristina and I got on the internet. Molly IMed us saying something on the lines of "Aww! you guys hung out with Marky today" and we explained that we did not hang out with him and asked why she said that anyways and she said she read Christina's Journal. Then she mentioned how she thought it was referring to Kelley as a skank and that she didn't think she was. It was really referring to Mark as a skank. But Kristina was like "she is a skank though" and her and Molly did "no she's not" "yes she is" thing for a little bit and then argued some more. Then Molly told Kristina to "stop freaking out" and I was like "well, Molly needs to stop being dramatic" and Kristina told Molly I had said that. Then Molly and I started to argue and she told ME to grow up and that pissed me off so I freaked out and that lasted for awhile and it never resolved. I understand that Kelley is Molly's sister and she was defending her but she needs to understand why Kristina is pissed off. Yeah, Mark is hot so Kelley made out with. But she promised to not do anything with him. Molly can be so immature and bitchy sometimes. I don't know what to do about her. Anyways, we got off the computer and watched t.v until we had to leave. Kristina and I went back to my house and as we were driving in the car she was talking about Christina and Aaron having sex while using the blanket and such so I felt the need to tell her that they really didn't have sex and it was all a joke. And she got pissed off which is understandable because the "joke" had been going on for a few days. We got back to my house and she made a few phone calls to find out for certain if it was a joke or not. She had to be home at 1:00 a.m and it was 10 till so she left.
I then changed and got onto the internet and ckecked my mail and talked to people. Patrick IM's me out of no where with this paragraph that basically said I never wanted to be his friend and I lied about wanting to hang out with him. I really was not in the mood to deal with because of how stressed I already was but I consider myself his friends and when one of my friends has a problem no matter what emotional or physical problems I'm having I'll help them with it. So, we talked for awhile and I think everything is now fine. Hours or so later I get another IM from someone saying they feel bad because they always call me and I never call them. So, I talked to that person and made them understand why I do not call. If I didn't have such a wonderful person to be talking to during all of this I would have gone insane. I'm very thankful.
So, after a very hectic night I decided to try and get some sleep. I woke up today around 2:00 p.m and watched a little of the third Lord of The Rings and got ready for my last day of work. We were a little busier than usual but around 7:00 p.m Chuck had told me that if I wanted, I could leave. So I took advantage of his offer and called my older brother Pete. He came and got me and took me home. I finished my homework then finished up Lord of the Rings and here is where I sit now. My parents are out for the night and won't return until tomorrow afternoon so my Aunt is going to take my brother and I to school tomorrow which means I have to wake up earlier. I really don't have anything else to write about so bye.