May 08, 2005 17:49
Dont yo ujust love how you can never do anything right for you rparents?!?!?!?!?!?! god i sure do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate living here. for 18 years ive tried to help my mom and make her happy. but i cant. im not good enough. i dont want to be HERE any more. im sick of it. today i was mowin the lawn and i was almost done and she comes outside and sez "What are you doing? Why havent you mowed yet?You've been in that corner for a half hour!" I can never do anything right for her. im sick of it. im sick of life i cant take it anymore. 18 years and no thanx. not 1. im sooooooooooooo sick of this and life! Im done im not trying anymore. im sick of it. shes never satisfied with anything i do. i cant take it anymore. If she wants something done, she can do it herself. She wont get off my case about anything. She always blames all of her stress on me. she sez that everything is my fault. im sick of it!!!!!!! WTF IS HER PROBLEM!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? its not like i dont have a whole bunch of sh!t going on right now. my grandma was in the hospital yesterday, my step dad has cancer, im failing both of my classes, i need to find a job, i need to get a new window for my car, and find out who did that to my car. Im done. Shes not putting this sh!t on me anymore. im sick of it!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to be here anymore. im done. i hope you all are getting along better with your parents than i am. ttyal peace