Jun 27, 2008 09:29
TEN random things you might not know about me
1: I have never smoked pot before in my life, yet I've been around loads of people that do.
2: I absolutely hate pickles.
3: I used to be in choir, and I was good.
4: I hated rollercoasters.
5: I'm left handed
6: My jaw clicks in and out.
7: I have no allergies
8: I never broke a bone in my body
9: I have bad road rage
10: I went as far as Delaware to see a boy.
.NINE places I’ve visited
1: Canada
2: Florida
3: Delaware
4: Pennsylvania
5: Ohio
6: New York
7: Different parts from Michigan
8: New Jersey
EIGHT things I want to do before I die
1: See the ocean
2: Get a job that I would enjoy
3: Kiss someone at midnight on NYE
4: Move into a house
5: Get married
6: Pop out some babies
7: Get a degree
8: Write a book
SEVEN ways to win my heart
1: holding my hand
2: talking to me about anything
3: fufu berry jones soda
4: grabbing my face when kissing me
5: wiping my tears away
6: liking my family
7: being spontaneous. I've always wanted someone to surprise me with something crazy or another. It'd be so crazy having you appear on my doorstep with a rose in one hand and a jones in the other. Or putting me on a wild goose chase to end up at a park with you sitting under a tree. Oh, I'm a dreamer all right.
SIX things I’m afraid of
1: big bugs
2: the Dragster
3: Melanie, when she is 7 months pregnant and in her nesting stage
4: cars
5: my dad when he's angry
6: losing a family member
FIVE things I don't like
1: pickles
2: burgers
3: liars
4: when my sisters wear my new clothes
5: waking up in the morning with bad breath
FOUR ways to turn me off
1: Bad teeth
2: Being too full of oneself
3: Treating their family rudely
4: Talking shit about my family
THREE Things I do everyday
1: Blink
2: Drive
3: Brush my teeth
TWO things I am trying not to do right now
1: I would definitely like to pass out for another half hour, so staying awake
2: be a baby
ONE thing on my mind right now
1: I have weird dreams
I definitely hate when I get random pinches along my body. They hurt really bad. And I'm only working until 4, and then going to return some clothes and get a smaller dress. I went to Lakeside yesterday with Nerdalie, and we were under a tornado warning, so they made us go in a shelter area for about 20 minutes. It was a little weird and uncomfortable.. because I didn't want to die in a mall. It would be so unlike me, I think. Oh well. I finished another book, and Eileen Rendahl is honestly a great author. Onto her next book, and I'll be done with that shortly as well. I got a book I ordered about 3 months ago today. And I still haven't received I Promised you a Rose Garden. I'm slightly bummed about that.
Anywho, I think I am a borderline nutjob. I have a 4-day weekend from the doctors for the next two weeks, and I RUN to tell my manager at Buddys that I have those days off. Does that even make sense? Granted, next weeks is going to be anything but short of "I-will-kill-you" amazing. Working 5 or 6 days with 2 doubles? AND she put me on waitressing? My heart stopped beating. I think she knows I'm alive!
In other news..... the baby is going to be in here in about 2 weeks, Mel thinks. I still cannot enjoy sleep now, I wonder how much I will hate it then.
Tom and I are going to look for an apartment. I think it'll be sweet, but at the same time I'm kinda worried because maybe I can't afford that right now. And if any of you know my brother like I do, he hates spending money. So how are we going to live together?
And my mom wants to get me a new car... no more Acheiva? She wants me to get a Cobalt instead. Right, with what money?
I'm actually cutting up all but two of my cards and going shopping less and less now, which is cool. I only went yesterday to return something, and then bought a few more things of course. One of them being a bracelet, in which Gus started eating while I went to dinner with Natalie. Oh well.
I have Newsies, The Land Before Time, Rock-a-doodle and Little Nemo: The Adventures in Slumberland if anyone wants to come over and watch them with me :]
Andddd I need to start tanning again, so I'll hang outside maybe today.