Back to Uni tomorrow.

Feb 27, 2012 20:21

Let's clean out my bag shall we?

Hmmmmm... Supisigly clean, I'm glad I learnt from my school years about letting crap rot in the bottom of bags. Main compartments are mostly clean.
Frontal one is full of TISSUES and BUS TICKETS oh god... so fucking many, half the tissues are unused. *Thows them all away to start fresh*

OK, also found some shit, cool. Reminds me why I'm a human swiss army knife. Bandaids and a gauze bandage roll. Just in case, y'know. Plus a small set of connector-pens, and some uni pamphlets with useful information and contacts. And my old diary from last year I barely used.
Now lets attack the smaller front pocket.

*has giant garbage bag beside me*
Very clean actually. *Throws out a few bus tickets and some plastic wrap and a single tissue.*

OK, we have pads, glue, scizzors, box of bandaids, twistie tie, pack of neurofen headache tablets, multiple pens and a pencil.

Am I ready fo the apocolypse yet? FUCK NO, where's my pencil case?

Ah yes, I also have a plastic spoon, set of spare earbuds, biro and more bandaids. Shutup, i am not hypochondiac.

OH LOOK secret pocket I forgot about. Pens, broken keychains... flipbook from over a decade ago... couple batteries, two memory sticks and a pencil.

Aaaand in the main at the bottom... plastic bag, a bus ticket and a map of taronga zoo.
And done.

Nooow to fill it.
What with? No fucking idea XD Bought an art book today for project A. Let's start with that.

Also, other swiss army human things i'll need...
White out, ducttape, bluetac, deoderant, mirror, hairbrush, fresh tissues, craft knife, drawing pen set, paintbrush, and possibly some small pliers. And a padlock. And a new plastic bag or two. And some hairbands.


That'll do for now.

uni shit, human swiss army knife, wtflol, uts sucks balls

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