Jul 06, 2011 14:14
Ow. Headache. Right shoulder and neck decided they didnt like me sleeping on my back so i woke up with this damn headache and haven't been able to shift it since.
And then around 11:45 I stopped being able to read. Yea not because my brain skitzed because my eyes did. Left one specifically.
Freaked out when the whole 'light burn on retina' thing didn't fade.
Called my mum, got told it happens to her sometimes too and to take some painkillers and wait it out resting my eyes.
By the time i went and lay down my left eye had pretty much no peripheral, it was just fuzz.
that is disturbing as hell
So the drugs haven't fucking worked and i cant stay on the computer for long cause i need to keep resting the eyes. Mum said its something to do with veins back there doing stuff (dont ask me what, bah).
I'm just wishing this headache would fuck oooooff.
someone take the lino cutters away from me, i stabbed another one into ym finger. I mean i've done worse, but there was rather a lot of blood. Fuck you bandaid makers for making the paper opening a two hand job, bastards.
It'll be fine. Just annoying, I need like... impervious rubber thimbles for this dude. Wax carving tools dont carve wax properly. Use lino cutters, they work too well on your skin too. Gah.
And the headache is STILL not gone T.T