Story time

Mar 13, 2011 12:39

Pairing: Jazz x Prowl -PART 3
Verse: Bayverse, Cybertron.
Rating: R
Warnings: Sticky, plug n play, sensor manipulation and light incidental bondage this chapter.
Summary: Another of those 'they finally get together after dancing around' things.

Onward to the ongoing RP with my anonymous partner (who i wish would just own up already and take credit for their parts XD )

Prowl was not amused. No. Scrap that. He was furious.
For the hundredth or so time, he struggled furiously, but to no avail. He had tripped the twins prank at a time he was sure they

had not intended, and in a deserted and lightless coriddor on his personal off-shift security check, he'd set off a trap the twins

had either intended for someone else, or intended for him int he morning. He normally only walked that route of a morning. But

he'd wanted to double check something before retiring and meeting Jazz. However, he'd now been stuck in the tangle of wiring and

cables for over a cycle. No one would be through there for primus knew how long, the sector was unimportant for anything but

maintanence that currently wasn't required. The harder he struggled, suspended by his hanging entrapment, the more restrained he

seemed to get, until he couldn;t even flick his winglets.

"Oh f' frags sake" Jazz mirred unhappily, helm thunking back against the back of his perch. The chair behind Prowls desk tilted

backwards at an angle and his pedes the only thing keeping it from toppling over from their position crossed on the edge of the

now rather scratched up piece of furniture.

Prowls was, oddly enough, late. Usually he would be in his office working at this time of night or, well, recharging. Considering

that he was obviously doing neither at the moment Jazz was rather irked.

He didn't like massive changes in his routine, not that he would really admit it. The air or spontinaity that he'd cultivated over

the years was quite hard won.

//Proooooooowl~ Ah have energon here and y're not//

Prowl got Jazz's comm. link, and it was about that time he decided he was defeated. There was simply no way he was getting himself

out, as much of a blow to his pride as it was to admit. The twins pulled amny pranks on him, but seldom succeeded as well as this

//Jazz, i might... require some assistance. I need you to come to corridor M-5, east wing. And... please bring the energon, too,

my reserves are running low.// He hoped the defeated sound of his tone would have Jazz take pity on him rather than get annoyed or

overlyanxious, or worse... exceptionally gleeful.

Jazz chuckled and rubbed at his optics under the visor, pulling his legs down and letting the chair fall back forward.

//Energon runnin' low huh? Did ya forget t' refuel again this mornin'?// He snagged the cube off the desktop, tossing it in his

subspace before heading out of the office at a light trot. //Ah was just about t' ask red where y'were hidin'//

//Yes I did, no not on purpose, meant to get some during mid shift change, been busy, not in a position to at the moment, and

Red's cameras aren't pointing the right way in this corridor to see me. Which of course was why they chose this spot.// he groused

in exhaustion.

//We need t' leave some cubes in your desk or somethin'// The silver mech hummed, turning into the corridor and freezing.

Crouching down and peering at a rather well concealed trip wire at about ankle height for a taller mech, more like shin height for

him. "Sooooo, ah'm guessin' the twins?"

"How did you ever know" Prowl intoned blandly. He was suspended off the floor, despite the fact he wasn't quite at his own

standing height. His legs were splayed and half curled up were cables would, tangled, bound and snagged them to the roof. His arms

had been tangled above his helm where he'd triedto get his doorwings free, and those were wrapped up so tight in cords now he

couldn;t struggle much without it hurting like pit. It wasn't, however, until Jazz showed up that he realised the sort of position

he was actually stuck in."

"Well, th' fact that sides obviously nicked himself on th' tripwire judgein' by his paint here.... intuition?" Jazz chuckled,

carefully stepping over the cord and heading for the tangled tactician. "Hmmmm, ah kindof wanna take a picture"

Prowl frowned, sagging in his bonds. "Well.. i cant exactly stop you. I suppose the twins need something to look at in their

double shift in the brig." he groused, swating int he thick condits and cords. Quite a few were stuck between armour gaps and

joint openings... and now that he relaxed he realise some were pressing on delicate sensors, and he gasped as he twitched, setting

some off.

"Not for th' twins" he purred, circling the restrained mech and reaching out once he got to the doorwings. Moving back to admire

the view one he had finished adjusting, rather than removing, the cables caught around the sensory panels.

Jazz... what are you doing? other than groping my aft with your optics, obviously." Prowl's voice was slightly exhasperated, but

held an edge of... uncertainty, and confliction. He didn't like being constricted and helpless but... the idea that Jazz COULD, if

he wished, take advantage of him like this...
His engine revved softly.

"Well, ah have a rather pretty mech all tied up f'r me. This doesn't happen every cycle y'know." Jazz grinned dangerously and

leaned on the wall "Right now ah'm tryin' to decide between punishin' th' twins or givein' them a thankyou."

"We'll deal with them later. For now, make your decision, and act upon it quickly, this isn't exactly verycomfortable" Prowl

shuddered in his bonds as a thin insulated wire pressed harder into a gap between his pelvis and inner thigh, making him whimper


"Oooooh, sorry Prowler. Lemme get that for ya" The silver mech stepped forwards and stood between the sensory winged mechs legs.

Slipping a clawtip into the joint and 'searching' for the wire. Making sure to accidentally scritch as many nodes as possible as

he pulled it free.

Prowl mewled and squirmed, then tried to still himself as the motion hurt, but it was so hard to resist moving when the searching

claw set off so many nodes... he felt his interface panel and equipment beneath heat up rapidly.

Jazz cut the offending wire between his claws and leaned over Prowls hips. Pressing against him as he reached to free another one

of the offending cables from between the other mechs joints. Grin still wide as he was enjoying this FAR too much.

Prowl moaned, arching gently into the body pressing against him and wishing, in the dirtiest, most passionate part of his meta,

that Jazz would go straight into molesting him while he was powerless, rather than just teasing. He hadn't really told the silver

mech, but he did have... a rather strong thing for bondage with interfacing. His pump was beginning to race and he so wished Jazz

would play into his fantasies, despite how unplanned it all was.

Reaching around, Jazz not-so-subtly ran his palm along one of the restrained sensory panels. Snapping free another one of the more

painful wires and purring quietly.

Prowl moaned, wing quivering but restricted. He couldnt push into the touch or flick away from it, not if he didnt want it to

hurt, and he very much didn't/ He arched into jazz again with another whimper.

"Calm down prowl~ ah'll get ya free" Jazz chuckled and moved slightly, codpiece brushing over Prowls heated panel lightly as he

groped at the other sensory wing. "Really though, how'd ya get so tangled up?"

Prowl gave a strangled moan as their codpieces brushed and he jerked his hips forward, seeking more of that delicious contact.

"nnnh... d-don't... not yet... please, jazz... I WANT you, like this... just, take me"

"Ohhhh, so THAT'S what that was" The silver meck revved his engine and pressed further against the hot panel "Funny, ah thought ma

visor was pickin' up some... odd? heat readin's from down here."

Prowl whimpered, grinding as much of himself against Jazz as he could and getting a shamefully hot thrill from his near total

inability to move. "I... have to confess... man a f-fantasy i used to have in- hnnn... involved you taking me, when I... was

bound... and couldnt stop you, or control anything, at all..." Able at least to move his helm, he leant forward and nuzzled jazz's

helm with a mewl "And I trust you... ple-ease..."

Jazz chuckled low and pecked playfully at prowls lips, groping at one of the sensory wings with his free hand as the other slowly

worked it's way down his side.

"And here ah was tryin' to be all discreat about gropin' you. For shaaaame prowler, ruinin' ma fun by askin' for it" he purred,

tweaking forcefully at a wire in the bound mechs hips and grinding back lightly.

"Well, I- Ah!... i cant exactly s-stop you now... can I?... which is the poi-int, hnnnnn" Prowl moaned and shuddered hard in the

bonds, servos balling into fists around thick cables that were holding him, wrapped somehow around a good portion of his torso.

With a gasp and a deep moan, his panel snapped open.

"See, ah was tryin' to get ya to open this without realizin'" Jazz snickered, tracing the valve absently with a claw tip. "You're

just tooooo into th' whole organization thing. everythin's gotta happen right away or y'not happy"

"I... I just like, mmmmmm... like to lose control, sometimes... give it to someone else... but no-one... wasn't anyone... but

you... want you... to control me" His voice was weak, needy, and deep. He moaned into the touches, quivering again and kissing at

Jazz's faceplate where he could reach.

"Ohhh, ah plan on it" Jazz revved his engine again, pressing close so that the vibrations would move through the other mechs

frame. "But y'see, ah don't feel like spikin' ya today~ Perhaps we could do somethin' different f'r once."

He purred, running his free hand along prowls chevron before dipping downwards to play with the hidden ports under the edge of the


"Ah! Nnnn..l-like what?" Prowl leant into the petting on his helm, moaning lowly and purring from his engine when the ports were

caressed. "What did you... have in...processor? Ooooh... yyou... want to... take my spike? Or,so-omthing... nnnnh, something


"Hmmmmm, somethin' else" he tweaked the ports playfully "Ah'll tell ya now that ah'm rather good at settin' off nodes from inside

a processor. Usually it's in th' bad way but ah'm quite practiced at makin' it feel awesome too."

Prowl whimpered, grinding against the saboteur, and feeling a wave of excitement and apprehension. "If you're.. sure you know what

you are do-oing... but, please don't... leave me abandoned down there." He sounded rather pathetic in his own audios, but he

really did feel a need for stimulation and satisfaction from his interface equipment during overload. Even climaxes reached only

by touch to his panels left his cord and valve aching with need.

"Trust me prowler, y're gonna overload so hard ah'm gonna have t' drag you back t'your quarters" Jazz gave a dark chuckle, gently

thrusting a finger into the waiting valve and making sure to rub against the nodes. Extending jacks from under his wrist near the

tacticians helm and carefully plugging himself in.

Prowl keened, valve spiralling down on the now familiar invading digit and sucking at it for the sensations it provided. He gasped

as Jazz plugged in, then moaned softly as he allowed the saboteur entrance, taking down his firewalls with complete and utter


Jazz chuckled, the sound reverberating through the connection as well as out loud. Carefully prodding at the closest surface

programs before moving a bit deeper.

//Primus prowler, y're even organized in here//

Prowl whimpered and moaned softly, caressing Jazz's pressence in his mind and allowing him to probe. At the same time, he

tentatively dove into the surface of the saboteur's meta, a little dazed by the speed with which information flew around him.
//And you... are even more chaotic in here than you are outwardly// His tone was fond, if not a little amused, and his body

writhed with the pleasure of Jazz touching him physically and mentally.

//Psh, everythin's where it needs t' be thankyou very much// he chuckled, bumping prowl further towards a different section of his

processors. Making sure to keep the most sensitive information behind the sharp edges of protective firewalls and burried under

the 'storm'.

Prowl let Jazz guide him through his mind, aware there was sensitive files he should not touch, so he steered himself clear,

slipping into a rather nice part of his processor that seemed to contain memories and emotions... about him. His own mind opened

up the corresponding area within himself, inviting Jazz in as he unconsciously continued to grind on the digits within him and

moan in pleasure.

Jazz smiled, sending Prowl a wave of affection and a brief flicker of glee as he found the portion of coding he was looking for.

From this position he could do many things, and had before to other mechs. Blow out audio, frag up optical coding and cripiling

pain were all options but, luckily, not exactly what he was going for at the moment.

For now, a wave of light sensory node activation was what he was after. Starting at the restrained mechs pedes and moving outwards

in pulses all the way to the tips of the upheld sensory winglets.

Prowl stiffened and Keened as Jazz sent command codes through his sensor net, lighting up his nodes in a wave of pleasure much

deeper than any touch could go. Never one to be left on the defense, he searched for a means to do similar to the silver mech. But

Jazz's programming was such that he was guarded against such attacks... so Prowl decided on a different tactic, looping a feed of

what he felt back to the saboteur instead, making his pleasure into Jazz's pleasure.

The silver mech purred and shivered slightly, twisting his fingers inside the valve and pressing forward. Focusing the sensory

stimulation on areas he could now feel felt good.

Prowl cried out softly and mewled as pleasure became focussed, exploding from his sensor-panel hinges, chevron, and pelvis. He

clenched and bucked against the fingers, cycling all he felt straight back into Jazz, and intensifying it all with fantasies of

all the things he would love Jazz to do to him while he was trussed up, what he had imagined right then, and things he imagined

they could do later. most involving Jazz controlling him and doing whatever he wanted, while prowl was compliant and eager to


Jazz stalled slightly, holding tightly to prowls shoulder and pushing his fans to full capacity. Drawing in as much cool air to

bring his temperature down before attacking the nodes again. Pinching the edge of the valve lightly in reprimand and nuzzling

against Prowls chin.

//Now, if ah didn't know better// he sounded slightly strained, having a hard time concentrating on the link as well as the

pleasure at the same time //ah'd say ya were tryin' to derail me//

Prowl chuckled mentally. //I cannot recieve without giving// He moaned and mewled as his valve was pinched, still feeding all his

sensations back to Jazz as he felt his charge building, his own fans whirring away as he tensed in his bonds again.
He chuckled back, mentally sliding a filter between himself and the more intense feelings so he could concentrate. Increasing the

intensity of the stimulation on the sensory wingtips to just below the level of pain as he thrust hard into the spasming valve.

Prowl cried out, jerking in his bonds and quivering as Jazz fairly assaulted him with stimulation. he keened, valve cenching

wildly as his optics offlined, and unbidden he sent images across the link of Jazz... even to his own surprise... touching his

bare spark. His chestplates were closed, but he knew, in an instant, if Jazz wanted them open, they would be,

//Not here Prowler// the silver mech purred, nuzzling at the chestplates. Mental tendrils moving to wind around the spark casing

to simulate the feeling that the other mech wanted.

Prowl gave a strangled wail as the extra sensations undid him, his charge skyrocketing even as he whimpered and arched into Jazz,

valve cycling tight on the digits as e shakily continued to grind into them. In a last ditch effort o try and give as good as he

got, he sent a stream of pure energy from his spark across the link. It was nowhere near as strong as if they had plugged in via

interface cables, but it took with it his utter spark felt enjoyment of being in that position and having Jazz claim him the way

he was.

Jazz almost yelped in surprise, optics flaring bright beneath the visor and nearly doubling over as the sudden pulse of energy

seemed to travel up his arms and straight to his spark.

Prowl felt Jazz's onslaught stagger at his transfer of spark energy, and he was so close to the edge that he couldn'tthink beyond

giving out as much pleasure as he was recieving, so he did it again as he quivered in his bonds and moaned the silver mech's name.

Groaning, he clung tightly to Prowls shoulder as he was forced into his own overload before he pulled back slightly. The surface

of his armor crackling with the excess charge as he tried to regain his bearings.

//Whoooooa, processor trip// he shook his head, the lack of dueality making him see stars for a moment.

Prowl came with a Keen as he felt Jazz overload, his valve rippling over the digits as he tensed, the depth of pleasure in his

lines feeling much more intense. he could barely cycle air, it felt incredible to overload while linked to Jazz's meta. He couldnt

send anything comprehensibel through their link beyond a deep, satisfied purr.

What was he supposed to be doing again? Jazz shook his helm, flopping his head forward against Prowls chest for a moment and

heaving a content sigh.

Right... Sideswipes trap... thing. Gotta get Prowler down...

Prowl came back to his senses as Jazz's meta chattered away, re-organising itself in that elegantly fluid way. He chuckled

mentally before murmuring his love and contentment across the link again. //No rush... not sensing anyone near// He nuzzled the

top of the silver helm before kissing a fin.

//Someone... four? corridors over, three glich mice someone needs t' do somethin' about and.... they're listenin' t' music in th'

rec room// Jazz purred happily, rolling his helm sideways anyway and hunting for the cord suspending Prowls leg.

//mmmm... between my sensor panels and your sensor net, we could probably sonar-sweep the whole base down to each nanite// Prowl

relaxed his frame in the bonds, trying to make it easier for Jazz to figure out what cables were tangled where.

The silver mech snorted at that, snapping the cord around Prowls pede between the sharp edges of his claws. //Probably.... half

the base. Red would get th' rest.//

//that he would- ah... careful, losing support to lower half, something is straining againt a wing...// He held the cables

entangled in his arms to try and keep weight off the pulling wing.

//Uuuugh, hangon a click// Jazz pulled back, untangling himself from Prowls meta and retracting the uplink cables into his wrist.

Scanning the ceiling for wherever Sideswipe had managed to attach the damn snare and scaling the wall with the help of his

magnetic palms.

"Sorry prowler, try t' catch yourself on your pedes." He leaned forward, pulling a short blade from subspace and severing all the

cables at the sorce.

Prowl could only position one leg to catch himself. Not surprisingly, with the weight of the cables once they were cut, he flopped

pretty much into a heap on the floor with a clang and an 'ow'. Thankfully the bunched up cables softened his landing somewhat.

"Y'good Prowler?" Jazz peered down from his spot near the ceiling, clinging like a large metal lizard to the metal supports.

Prowl groaned softly, trying and failing to untangle himself, even on the floor. "Will be... help?"

"Yeah yeah" he chuckled, sliding down the wall with a squeal of metal and tutting at the light marks he left. "ah'm totally

blamin' sideswipe for that"

"I think i can overlook punishment this time..." Prowl sighed and attempted to free his arms first.

"Nah, SOMEONE'S gotta clean this up" Jazz hummed thoughtfully, grabbing prowls hands and dragging him away from the worst of the


Prowl got to his pedes with Jazz's help, and electric zing passing between them and making his engine revv. "Mmmm, true." He shook

his wings sluggishly, a few cables still wrapped irritatingly around them.

Snickering, Jazz reached up and carefully untangled the remaining cables from around the sensory panels. looping them neatly and

stowing them in his subspace.

"So, question now is, do we wake the slaggers or wait till mornin'?"

"mmmh. Best have it removed as soon as possible." There was no malice or calculation in Prowl's tone, just a logical observation

as he contacted Sideswipe, who took a moment to answer, given he was likely in recharge, before issuing the order and leaving it

at that.

Part 4 is forthcoming

rp buddies rock, fanfiction, mech smut

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