Dec 31, 2004 19:31
Open your Winamp, iTunes, etc.
Step 1: Put it on random.
Step 2: Pick a line from each of the first 30 songs that play. (Skip the ones without lyrics)
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
1.What will you do when you're lonely
2.There's the moon asking to stay long enough for the clouds to fly me away
3.Beware the bottled thoughts of angry young men
4.Rows of houses all bearing down on me
5.I see it in your eyes, the tearing in your heart
6.Inch by inch we crawl in this endless dark, our denial keeps us warm
7.Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
8.Out on the road there are fire flies circling
9.It is to see a traitor set free
10.Numb and broken, here I stand alone
11.Can you feel it, the expectancy of our deepest desires
12.The mirror doesn't look like them, I guess it never will
13.Who said that I wasn't right?
14.Beyond the horizon, the place we lived when we were young
15.Day after day love turns grey like the skin of a dying man
16.Where were you when I was burned and broken?
17.To believe is to deceive, down on knees you're choked on memories
18.Collection of butchery in my tool shed, female heads and entrails hang from the ceiling
19.To see a wormhole in your eyes fall to earth
20.Ashes and promises share a bond
21.Your plastic souls melt within cauldron's burning black
22.Hark, for I speak of purity
23.That burning feeling, red liquids, clear liquids
24.All my presence died today
25.To completely dissolve, what method is used
26.Sometimes I feel like a man that has two broken hands
27.God, my eyes were open casket smile
28.It's what she meant with open ends
29.I said that name and skipped a heartbeat
30.Je crois entendre encore caché sous les palmiers