Jun 05, 2005 00:03
I've had some moments of clarity as of late. So in this entry, I decided to write about not the ultimately meaningless and trite things that I have done lately..I decided to dedicate this entire entry to a debate that has plagued mankind. For those in doubt, it is the question of "if Jesus, the founder of Christianity and Saviour of mankind, was really who he said he was, why did he not save himself from death upon a cross?" This is a question that even the people of his day debated.
Luke 23:35 says "The crowd watched, and the leaders laughed and scoffed, "He saved others, so let him save himself if he is really God's Chosen One, The Messiah." Jesus could have very easily saved himself from the nails that bound his wrists and feet. Yet doing so would go against what God had set forth before him. That which had been set before him was that He, Jesus, the Saviour, would have to die in order to atone for the sins of the world. Since Jesus was and still is the only perfect person EVER to have lived, he remained without sin for his ENTIRE LIFE. He was pure. By saving himself from death by crucifixion, he would be doing two things at the same time. 1) He would be bringing sin upon himself, because sin is the act of disobeying God. Since Jesus was the Saviour, he had to remain pure, completely sinless. To bring sin upon himself would be the abdication of His place as the Saviour of the human race. 2) In his saving of himself, he would be damning the souls of all mankind, robbing them of salvation. The new faith, or Christianity, would have died the moment he freed himself from the nails that imprisoned him. The veil never would have been torn, and it would have gone back to the way it had been. People would be required to offer blood sacrifices to God in order to ensure their place in Paradise.
However, because He died on a cross, between to thieves, and shed his blood, WE ARE SAVED AND CAN SHARE IN THE GLORY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. His blood, shed for us over two-thousand years ago, was the perfect and eternal sacrifice, an offering that would lose the ropes of sin for those who believe that He was who he claimed to be, and that He died for our sake. His physical death guaranteed eternal life in heaven for us, as long as we hold fast to Him.