(no subject)

Nov 24, 2005 14:13

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Is key_to_me dead sexy? Yeah, baby
2) Is key_to_me related to you? Not that I know of!
3) Are _hippolyta_ and sandersrocksit going out? I don't think so, no
4) What is notasnack's favorite food? ...not snacks, I imagine
5) Thoughts on notasnack? OH MY GOD IT'S JOHN
6) If littlebitbad and sandersrocksit were spliced together, what would it be like? 'scuse me while I laugh. ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha!!
7) Where was notasnack born? ooh! I know this! Seymour, Texas! Right?
8) Does anemic_vamp drink? He drinks...blood
9) If _hippolyta_ commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Me! Me!
10) Has the_harper1 dyed their hair? I don't know if he has, but my Harper has. so...yes.
11) Does anemic_vamp know key_to_me? I don't think so, no
12) How long have you known the_harper1? Oh, around 6 months
13) What is anemic_vamp's shoe size? 10
14) What animal should anemic_vamp be combined with? A hory bat
15) Has sandersrocksit been to your house/dorm? I think...no, no. He should! My house is pretty!
16) How tall is notasnack? I don't know. Six one, six aught?
17) If littlebitbad was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? ....what?
18) Are key_to_me and littlebitbad married? ahem. I don't know. What went ON in Italy?
19) Do you think notasnack is hot? Hell, yes.
20) If sandersrocksit and notasnack were siamese twins, where would they be joined? at the hair
21) Would key_to_me and littlebitbad look good together? Sure, why not
22) What is notasnack's biggest flaw? The constant pain and agony?
23) What color should the_harper1 dye their hair? blue
24) Is sandersrocksit an emo? No
25) What is notasnack's favorite color? no idea!
26) What mental dis
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