My HeAd iS spiNNiNg [[AnD no I'm NoT KrUnK, LoL]]

Aug 07, 2005 14:29

Hello. I decided to post again. I think I might start updating LiveJournal a little bit more often. But anyway, Lindsay's graduation party was pretty exciting. I'm actually really happy for her that she graduated. I realized something about her, she's a lot better of a friend than I had took her for. Baker is moving to Georgia at the end of this week [[I just found this out]] So it is kind of depressing because she is really cool and I never really got to hang out with her. All I have to say to her is *Good luck* and stuff, because she's going away to college.

As for me, well, hmm.. What to say about myself lately, I have no idea. I've kind of dumbfounded when it comes to my whole *Love* situation... I think I may have let myself become used once again, but I'm not sure. Matt and I haven't been talking as much as I would have liked to lately, but that is because we are both so busy.

Tomorrow I am going to Cedar Point, and I'm extremely excited. Today Dan is taking me driving for a bit. I am glad for that one because I really love driving. It is another stress-reliever aside from smoking/drinking/weed, etc.

Anyway, that is enough rambling for the day. Take care m'dears.

<3 MoNoGuE <3
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