Apr 13, 2005 01:24
you heard right kids. my life has gotten better.
I'm on like day 15 of being vegetarian, and to be honest i don't miss meat really. sure there are times where i say to myself "golly, it sure would be convienent to eat meat right now", but i just struggle on. i came home on sunday and saw 3 of my weaknesses in my fridge. Wonton soup, rotisserary(?) chicken, and CHICKEN SALAD, but i just cooked up some ramen so i was cool.
everytime i browse through people's journals and friends pages i usually overlook the work KAIROS like 18 times. so i must join this fad. KAIROS, KAIROS, KAIROS. i'm really nervous for KAIROS. I can't wait to go on KAIROS. I leave for KAIRos tomorrow. KAIROS WAS SO MUCH fun. My life is KAIROS.
PGW said late to 611 last week. we no longer have gas. which is real rough cause you think its just heat, but it's our stove and hot water too. ima handle that shiz today.
i finally knocked some sense into myself and have decided to transfer to the chestnut street h&m. it's way more convienent(?) but i am only going to be part time which is really red. but being part time has its perks so we will see how this works out in my life.
my weekend was really fun. friday i woke up all types of early and went to becky's to lay around and be lazy. then we made a birthday cake for blaney and i realized that i should not touch anything. then i went to work and then becky picked me up and drove me to blaney's birthday party. i was so overwhelmed by everything and the people, but i was really happy. i haven't hung out with my friends in soo long and it was great seeing the whole gang and getting drunk. felt really bad for becky because drunks left and right were bumping into her, but blaney gave her a hug, so i think it was all worth it...i want a blaney hug...got super drunk and fucked with mcilhenny as usual. i kept putting the vacuum cleaner hose on his neck and head. good times. the next day i had work again and i worked really late and it sucked. but i got home and some people were still there so i partied hard again. ray was INJURED in my bathroom. he had like 11 beers and was doing push ups for everyone. it was pretty funny. he couldn't even open his mouth, i was just pouring water on his face and he was trying to hard to let it slip in.
orion's belt has a new song and it kicks butt. i'm usually no fun when it comes to writing songs, but i just like to get it done as quickly and painlessly as possible and sometimes i may expect a little too much out of people. but the song gets written in 15 some odd minutes and everyone has a gay old time.
what nigga. SIN CITY is quite possibly one of the best movies this century has to offer. way better than kill bill. check it out.
my sister is getting married next saturday. it's crazy go nuts awexome for her.
i'm pretty stoked for shows lately. i have like one every week for the next 3 weeks. I get to see my favorite band, THE BOUNCING SOULS, this weekend. i'm so fucking stoked cause i haven't been to a good punk show in a minute. Then next friday Nothing to lose is releasing our cd and playing Rekant's last show. I want to play so bad, i can't wait. ima go K-wylde on niggaz. Then that sunday the souls are playing the mother fucking church! i can't even comprehend and i am pretty sure that you can't. Then the Blaney's are playing their first show in almost a year on may 1st. we will be very drunk and offensive. then nothing to lose has another show may 8th.
gosh my life is off the hook.