Feb 20, 2007 16:35
I hate this so much. It's a f*ing cold.
I should not be laid up like this. I should not be so dreadfully miserable. My head shouldn't hurt so much. The skin around my nose shouldn't be red, dry, cracking and sore. I should be able to breathe. I shouldn't be coughing so much or so exceptionally hard. When I cough, I should not sound like a seal. I shouldn't have to take two (possibly more) days off from work because of a stupid cold.
There's not even any good reason for me to have gotten sick in the first place. None of my friends are sick. I've been exercising, taking Emergen-C almost every day for the last several weeks, and doing my best to get a more than reasonable amount of sleep. Why me? Why now? Why is it so awful?
I just want to be able to go back to work. To do interesting things. To feel human and not like some disgusting cesspool of mucus and disease. I want the pain in my head, in my nose, in my throat to stop. I want to be able to sleep, to breathe easily throughout the night and not be awoken my my own need to cough.
Can't my immune system understand that I have a life and have given it everything I can to do its job and let me live?