Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Spoilers: Only for the 3x01 episode title
Word Count: 4998
Rating: PG-13, for language
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Description: Jeff gets a new roommate.
Author's Note: I love everyone in this bar. Especially
0penhearts for beta'ing this monstrosity.
Have you ever spent an entire day just doing nothing? )
This? Annie, though, is always busy and always moving, like she has to fill in all those extra hours between sleeping and working. She hangs out with Abed and has lunch with Britta and baby-sits Shirley’s kids and actually goes and volunteers building houses and feeding the homeless and working at a local day camp on the weekends when the most Jeff ever accomplishes is beating his high score on Call of Duty. This is so totally Annie that I immediately believe that it's canon. No, seriously guys - this is what Annie Edison did between the gap between season 2 and 3. ;)
“I think you think you just insulted me, but… I can’t be insulted. I’m too relaxed.” He slouches further into the couch with a breezy grin and Annie narrows her eyes at him as she stands up.
“Hmmm. Maybe you’re too relaxed. Is that a beer gut, I spy?” She smirks and flounces toward the kitchen.
“What?!” He looks startled but then catches himself and laughs, “Nice try.” When he thinks she’s not looking through he pulls up his shirt and examines his abs with scrutinous eyes.
So totally in character for Jeff to be concerned with his physical appearance. Also, I just love that Annie is being FORCED to relax. Whenever she tries to on the show, it just hilariously backfires.
“Those words are pretty meaningless when I know you don’t mean them.” Jeff reaches over and flicks at her ponytail. “Look at you, you’re too worked up. This kind of defeats the purpose of a relaxing day.” He grins and she holds his gaze until something warm flickers there in his eyes and she can practically it feel against her skin.
THIS. Guh. Love. *explodes into little confetti hearts*
The image of Annie watching Jersey Shore is just too hilarious to not be mentioned in a comment. The fact that she would take it so seriously just perfectly embodies her character's personality.
Ohhhhh, power outages. I believe that there have been so many fics this summer regarding them. ;)
Annie sighs loudly and turns another page in her book. She’s curled up in the armchair, her legs hanging over the side as she reads. “And I could have been out doing something productive with my day.” She’s practically tsking at him like this is his fault.
I SO love this. Because this is exactly in-character for Annie (not that anything else you write isn't, because you are one of the most believable authors I have read in this fandom), and I love it.
She’s standing in front of the dartboard, eyeing it with a clenched jaw as she angles her body and takes a deep breath. And then another.
“Oh. My. God. Just throw it.”
It's literally like I can picture Joel rolling his eyes as Jeff and barking that at her. :P
Jeff nods, not sure if he should feel smug or guilty. Or even terrified at the idea that some guy, some day, was going to come first.
I loved that little discussion about kids and the group marrying each other. I think that in a way they will always have a love for each other that transcends whoever else they eventually end up with, if that makes sense. Either way, I really did love that bit of dialogue.
Them breaking into the pool at the end was so adorable. And I love that Jeff threatens to leave her there, even though we all knew he never really would. ;)
Basically, I will assert my love for this story every time I post a comment. ...I love this story. You're doing a marvelous job, and I can't wait to read more! :)
THIS. Guh. Love. *explodes into little confetti hearts*
Okay, true story: this moment on the couch where it's just suddenly *BAM* sexual tension? Was not supposed to happen. But I SWEAR when these two are together it's just impossible for there not to be that spark of something undeniable.
Seriously, thank you! I love specific comments because they really tell me what's working. And the next chapter will be posted soon. I got too caught up in haze of excitement with the show being back but I'm back to writing now!
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