Title: Still Fighting It
Pairing: Jeff/Annie
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Shirtless Jeff
Word Count: 1645
Spoilers: 1.22 Art of Discourse
Note: Annie and Jeff clean up after the food fight. Title comes from the Ben Folds song of the same name.
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Love this! Their whole conversation about maturity and stuff was just so them. Jeff always has his 'real' conversations with Annie which I love! (Oh he sometimes has a 'real' moment with Pierce too)
Favorite parts:
It was then Annie noticed that Jeff seemed to have taken off his shirt. Which meant of course that he was shirtless. Without his shirt on. Again. In front of her. Dammit.
And when Jeff said these things and he looked at her like that - something she could feel in her toes - she couldn’t help but want to laugh and cry and run to find all the people she went to high school with so she could yell, “See! Everything’s okay!”
Maybe one day it would all just feel normal.
^That one especially made me go "Oh Annie!" and made me want to give her a great big hug.
Also loved:
She mentally tossed away her own college bucket list. It didn't really seem to matter anymore. Everything good that was happening just seemed to be happening of it's own accord, little moments that just randomly scattered throughout any given day. And that was good enough for now.
Just great job on this! :D
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