Mar 25, 2006 12:41
Not to be confused with the no pants revolution.
So, tired of people thinking that you're married after the first date?
tired of random sexual encounters leading to unwanted pressure into relationships?
tired of not being able to get to know people one on one without people assuming you are in a committed relationship?
1. Dates are fun.
2. Dates are a good way to get to know someone.
3. Going on a date or two...or three...or seven, does not automatically imply that said people are in a relationship.
4. If you are intrigued by someone, or attracted to them more than just sexually(see footnote) ask them on a date, the worst they can do is say no. they will be flattered that you asked..or you know, creeped out beyond recognition, but if that's the case you need more help than you're faithful author can provide.
5. If someone asks you on a date and you are not interested, be straightforward. A simple " I'm really not interested" will suffice.
6. It is completely acceptable to be "dating" more than one person as long as all participants know the manifesto as well as possess the knowledge of all parties involved.
7. The entire purpose of dating as stated by our manifesto, is to get to know others better, without the interference of other well-meaning friends. Should you decide to form some romantic arrangement, you are out of dating revolution territory. No exceptions. Good luck with your RELATIONSHIP.
the dating manifesto does not apply towards random sexual encounters. They have there own set of rules determined by each individual.
2nd footnote.
Sex will always complicate it.
A note from the author.
If you agree with the statements made in this manifesto, please reply and re-post. START THE REVOLUTION!