i don't wanna be another fool, another sad statistic

Aug 15, 2009 22:33

i just made over a hundred paramore icons.
what the actual fuck, man.

cari didn't make it... yet. monday has a good chance. i really, really want this to work out. after getting hit by a car on wednesday, i'm too nervous about going down there alone next week. i don't know if it actually has anything to do with it, but it'd make sense if it did, i guess.

sent a text regarding the content of my last entry, only to realize i accidentally sent it to the person it concerned. twice. i'm not sure if i'd like it to be figured out.

sent a stupid text to what's-his-face while i was in the er that night. told him i missed him. again.
i wonder though, do i really? do i miss him, or the person i was with him? i think it's the latter, but in a sense, that still means him. i had what could have been a near-death experience and i still couldn't work up the balls to tell him what, 'i miss you,' really means.

i leave this short ramble with a somewhat-random, somewhar-relevant nellie mckay lyric in my head:

every single thing will only bring another sad solution.
every single hurt will only curse another substitution.
everyone you meet reserves a wretched seat within your memory.
wipe their filthy feet upon the yearning of your soul.
there you are in me

journal, lyrics: nellie mckay

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