Oct 14, 2007 16:34
what we avoided, resolution
this time around, revolution
its always painful, recollection
unattainable, reconciliation
was it only? recreation
this is my, recrimination
is there hope for? redemption
is this your form of? retribution
are we capable of? reformation
you opportunity for, refutation
probably no, regeneration
almost certain, regression
makes me feel like, regurgitation
makes me need, rehabilitation
i keep on going, reiteration
and you with your fucking, rejuvenation
even after she did your, relation
but she was open for, relocation
did you somehow expect? remission
i'm so tired of your, rendition
so take that, love, renunciation
you've offered no, reparation
i should have seen the, repetition
where to put my? reprehension
where to throw love? repudiation
see me with my, reservation
just me and my, resignation
reminding myself of, respiration
wishing i had, restoration
give back my heart, restitution
and never come back, restriction
my zombie heart, resurrection
too late for, resuscitation
only thing left is, retaliation
you left me for her, retardation
and all your words, retraction
i sit and think of, retribution
when i don't cry in, retrospection
i guess it was a, revelation
that went straight through me, reverberation
time travel back and make my, revision
or to the future to see, revitalization
but, love, this is my, revocation
my sickened response, revulsion